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Master of Science

Programme Structure: Business Administration - Major Accounting (ER 2008)

Major Accounting

The Major “Accounting and Taxation” combines the areas “Business Taxation”, “Controlling” as well as “Auditing”. Within the first area modules relating to general managerial importance of taxation, e.g. according to the decisions of the location or legal structure as well as corporate relationships and restructuring can be attended. The module Controlling covers operative as well as strategic Controlling. The third area contains topics of the international accounting and operations auditing. In all three areas advanced seminars or modules including further issues can be attended.  The Major can also be added by the modules institution economics, finance, insurance economics and statistics.

The detailed structure of the major Accounting  is presented in the following:

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The WiSo StudentService does not guarantee that the given recurrence frequencies are right. Providing this information is only a service offer. Please check the recurrence frequency in the module catalogue.

Please note that the presented changes originate from the Change regulations (german: Änderungsordnung), which will take effect from October 1st., 2016.

ModuleType of ExamRegular CycleCP of the ModuleMust CP
Betriebswirtschaftliche Steuerlehre Iwritten/oralWT6 LP


min. 6

Betriebswirtschaftliche Steuerlehre IIwritten/oralST6 LP
International Taxationwritten/oralevery 4th term6 LP
Strategic Controllingwritten/oralWT6 LPmin. 6
Operative Controllingwritten/oralWT6 LP
Internationale RechnungslegungwrittenST6 LPmin. 6
Unternehmensbewertungwritten/oralWT6 LP
Hauptseminar Betriebswirtschaftliche SteuerlehreEssay/presentationevery 2nd term6 LP


min. 6 -
max. 12

Hauptseminar ControllingEssay/presentationevery 2nd term6 LP
Hauptseminar Externe Rechnungslegung und WirtschaftsprüfungEssay/presentationevery 2nd term6 LP
Ausgewählte Fragestellungen der Betriebswirtschaftlichen Steuerlehre Iwritten/oralevery 2nd term6 LP

Max. 18
Ausgewählte Fragestellungen der Betriebswirtschaftlichen Steuerlehre IIwritten/oralevery 2nd term6 LP
Value-based Controllingwritten/oralST6 LP
Ausgewählte Fragen des Controllingwritten/oralWT/ST6 LP
Ausgewählte Fragen der Rechnungslegung und Wirtschaftsprüfung I - UnternehmenspublizitätwrittenWT6 LP
Ausgewählte Fragen der Rechnungslegung und Wirtschaftsprüfung II - PrüfungwrittenST6 LP
Selected Issues in Accounting and Taxationwritten/otherirreg.6 LP







Max. 12

Risikomanagement in Bankenwritten/oralWT6 LP
Empirical Financewritten/oral/otherST6 LP
Ökonometriewritten/oral/otherWT6 LP
Quantitative Methods in Risk Management (Adv.)written/oralevery 4th term6 LP
Rechnungswesen von Versicherungsunternehmenwritten/oralST6 LP
Tax Policywritten/oralWT6 LP
Aspects of International Business Icp acquired abroadWT/ST6 LP
Aspects of International Business IIcp acquired abroadWT/ST6 LP
Bilanzsteuerrechtwritten/oralWT6 LP
Max. 18

Einkommensteuerrechtwritten/oralWT6 LP
Recht der indirekten Steuernwritten/oralST6 LP
Unternehmenssteuerrechtwritten/oralST6 LP
Internationales Steuerrechtwritten/oralWT6 LP
Ausgewählte Fragestellungen des Steuerrechtswritten/oralWT6 LP

For further information please consult the master-documents and media area.