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Access to Research Databases

Research databases contain statistical and numerical data (time series, stock figures), operational data, market information and economic information. Because they reflect information directly and immediately, they are an important information resource. The Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences licenses a number of important research databases for business and finance data.

All research databases of the WiSo Faculty

All (bibliographic) databases of the University of Cologne


Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS)

Most of our research databases are accessible via the internet-based research platform Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS) of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. WRDS is the standard for business data, providing researchers worldwide with instant access to financial, economic and marketing data through a standardised web-based interface. WRDS has become the locus for quantitative data research and is recognised by the academic and financial research community around the world as the leading business intelligence tool. WRDS provides access to COMPUSTAT, CRSP, IBES, NYSE-TAQ, Bureau van Dijk, Global Insight, OptionMetrics and other important business research databases.

To gain access to WRDS, you must meet the following requirements:

  • You must be a member of staff in a WiSo Faculty department that contributes to the funding of the research databases.
  • You must have a valid staff account of the University of Cologne.

More information on access to WRDS


Overview WRDS databases


Capital IQ: Compustat

Capital IQ Compustat is one of the leading providers of financial market data. Compustat provides reliable, standardised data on companies and industrial sectors, key indices and foreign exchange for investment professionals, hedge funds and quantitative researchers.

Thomson Reuters: I/B/E/S

Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S provides users with detailed estimates of up to 26 key performance indicators such as balance sheet data, EPS data, sales, net income and profit for over 60,000 companies in 67 countries. All estimates received are verified, thus guaranteeing comparable and consistent data.

Center for Research in Security Prices: Stocks, Treasuries and Mutual Funds

The CRSP provides information on stocks, treasuries and mutual funds. The data service provides key data on a daily basis, such as price and quote data, trading volume und yield of shares at the NYSE, NASDAQ, Amex and ARCA stock exchanges. Data on treasuries includes descriptive and historical market data. Information on mutual funds includes identification numbers, fund objectives, compulsory fees and charges, returns and distributions.

Thomson Reuters: Datastream

Thomson Reuters’ Datastream provides users with access to extensive historical information on financial markets. Analysts can use a desktop application to examine connections and interrelations between global economic indicators and asset classes. The Datastream includes a vast time-series database and real-time market data.


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