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Central faculty administration

The central faculty administration, under the leadership of the faculty manager, is responsible for an efficient and effective, student-centred administration that supports teaching and research and provides tangible added value for students. The following administrative units are contact points for students, researchers/teachers, and employees.

They implement strategic projects, support the faculty in administrative and organisational matters, and ensure that university operations run smoothly.

Dean's Office

Gerold Gnau, Dipl.-Kulturwirt Univ.

Managing Director

Building: 101, BT 3 (New Extension Building,
Universitätsstr. 24)

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 – 8814
E-Mail: dekanat(at)


Iris Ruckert

Executive Assistant

Building: 101, BT 3 (New Extension Building, Universitätsstr. 24)
Room: 1.320

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 – 5607
E-Mail: dekanat(at)


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Bettina Amann, M.A.

Administration Finance

Building: 101, BT 3 (New Extension Building, Universitätsstr. 24)

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 – 76055
E-Mail: finanzen(at)


Henning Flier, M.Sc.

Datenmanagement & Programmierung

Gebäude: 101, BT 3 (Erweiterungsneubau, Universitätsstr. 24)

Telefon: +49 (0) 221 470 – 89629

Frederike Freund, M.Sc.

Rankings and International Accreditations

Building: 101, BT 3 (New Extension Building, Universitätsstr. 24)

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 – 76972
E-Mail: freund(at)


Dipl.-Geogr. Janina Klug

International Accreditations

Building: 101, BT 3 (New Extension Building, Universitätsstr. 24)

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 – 7451
E-Mail: klug(at)


Dr. Michael Otten

Risk Management and Committees

Building: 101, BT 3 (New Extension Building, Universitätsstr. 24)

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 – 2773
E-Mail: otten(at)


Eva Peters, M.A.

International Accreditations

Building: 101, BT 3 (New Extension Building, Universitätsstr. 24)

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 – 76032
E-Mail: eva.peters(at)


Dipl.-Ök. Kathrin Schmitz

Finance & Controlling

Building: 101, BT 3 (New Extension Building, Universitätsstr. 24)

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 – 7086
E-Mail: finanzen(at)


Tim Strobel, B.Sc.

Project Management

Building: 101, BT 3 (New Extension Building, Universitätsstr. 24)

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 – 89242
E-Mail: strobel(at)


Alina Waltke, M.A.

Professional Appointment Procedures

Building: 101, BT 3 (New Extension Building, Universitätsstr. 24)

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 – 7913
E-Mail: jobs(at)


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Department of Studies

The Department of Studies is assigned to the Vice Dean for Teaching, Studies, and Academic Reform and is responsible for the strategic and administrative process and project management of the WiSo Faculty's teaching and learning area.

  • Master's application and admission management: implementation, controlling and evaluation of the overall process, as well as support for applicant enquiries and examination of applications with regard to admission criteria.
  • Quality management: further and new developments of study programmes, including quality conferences and (re-)accreditations, quality improvement of teaching, including the implementation of teaching evaluations and other surveys, as well as university didactic offers.
  • Programme management: strategic teaching controlling, examination regulations and module handbook change processes, event and classroom management, allocation of Bachelor's theses and seminars, student and chair support, and (technical) coordination of digital teaching concepts.
  • Student Advice Centre/WiSSPo: individual and group advice for students and prospective students, coordination of the WiSo Student Service Point, provision of information, development of advice concepts, issuing of certificates, and representation at fairs (to WiSSPo).
  • The Office of the Dean of Studies is also responsible for coordinating the Student Advisory Board.

Students are welcome to address their concerns to us via the WiSo Student Service Point (WiSSPo) email contact form or by phone: +49 221 470-8818.


Director of the Department of Studies
Alice Anna Oeter, Dipl.-Region.-Wiss.(Lat.)

Phone: +49 221 470-5522

Vice Head of Department of Studies
Director Admissions Management, Quality Management and Evaluations

Andreas Klöcker, Dipl.-Volksw.

Phone: +49 221 470-3997
Email: kloecker(at)

Office Management and Assistance to the Director
Kathrin Lorenz, B.A.

Phone: +49 221 470-89156
Email: kathrin.lorenz(at)

Admissions Management

Master Application & Admissions Management
Steffi Frommhold, M.A.

Phone: +49 221 470-5910
Email: wiso-zulassung(at)

Master Application & Admission Management
Christina Becker, M.Ed.

Phone: +49 221 470-89928
Email: wiso-zulassung(at)

Quality Management & Evaluations

Quality Management
Dr. Timo Klein

Phone: +49 221 470-2492
Email: fakultaets-qm(at)

Quality Management
Seranoush Mikailian-Trefz , M.Sc.

Phone: +49 221 470-1934
Email: fakultaets-qm(at)

Quality Management

Charlotte Schilf, M.Sc.

Phone: +49 221 470-76893
Email: fakultaets-qm(at)

Quality Management
Kristina Schnitzler, B.Sc.

Phone: +49 221 470-89161
Email: schnitzler(at)

Teaching and Evaluations Center WiSo

Evaluation Center
Quality Management

Gerald Schmitz, M.A.

Phone: +49 221 470-5705
Email: fakultaets-qm(at)

Programme Management MES

Programme Manager
B.Sc. Management, Economics and Social Sciences (MES)

Ann Phang, B.Sc.

Phone: +49 221 470-2355
Email: phang(at)

Programme Management

Director Programme Management
Joss Wobser, Dipl.-Geogr.

Phone: +49 221 470-1933
Email: pm(at)

Programme Management
Peter Heimes, Dipl.-Geogr.

Phone: +49 221 470-4669
Email: pm(at)

Programme Management
Marlene Heinen, M.Sc.

Telefon: +49 221 470-7961
E-Mail: pm(at)

Programme Management
Malte Johanns, B.Sc.

Telefone: +49 221 470-76748
Email: pm(at)

Capacity Planning & Allocation Management
Programme Management

Sebastian Kropp, M.Sc.

Phone: +49 221 470-1851
Email: kropp(at)

Adress Department of Studies
Universitätsstraße 91, 50391 Cologne
Building: 810, 1. Floor (Atrium)

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Study Advisory & WiSSPo

Director Study Advisory & WiSSPo
Nicole Kienel, Dipl.-Hdl.

Phone: +49 221 470-8818
Email: WiSSPo contact form

Student Advisor

Student Advisor
Lena Bongartz, B.Sc.

Phone: +49 221 470-8818
Email:  WiSSPo contact form

Student advisor
Carina Piek, M.Sc.

Phone: +49 221 470-8818
Email: WiSSPo contact form

Reception WiSSPo

Inken Host

Phone: +49 221 470-8818
Email:  WiSSPo contact form

Address Study Advisory & WiSSPo
Universitätsstraße 24, 50931 Cologne
WiSo-Annex (Building: 101), ground floor(Room Number 0.305)

Student Assistants

Quality Management: Mattis Voß

Programm Management: Luzie Tausendfreund

Evaluation Center: Tobias Franzmann, Mattis Voß

Student Service: Aschna Azad Ali, Sophia Paas, Beyza Tekin

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Academic and Programme Directors


The WiSo-Career-Service acts as a central point of contact for all matters relating to work experience and graduate employment. We are geared towards meeting the needs of both our students and potential employers.

For students, these matters include internships, career counselling and guidance about applications and additional qualifications. The WiSo Career Service organises seminars, lectures and targeted programmes in cooperation with employers as well as external and internal experts. Together with internal faculty and university partners, we offer support and concrete help in the initial phase of professional orientation.

For employers, the WiSo-Career-Service is there to help if you are interested in WiSo faculty activities concerning recruitment, employer branding or direct forms of cooperation. We also help if you want to know more about inter-faculty initiatives or address specific subjects. The Career Service is your point of reference in all matters of targeted recruiting at the WiSo faculty.

Julia Monzel, M.A.

Head of WiSo Career & Corporate Services

Buildung 810
Universitätsstraße 91
50931 Cologne

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 7479
Email: monzel(at)

Annika Stollenwerk, M.Sc.

Deputy WiSo Career & Corporate Services

Buildung 810
Universitätsstraße 91
50931 Cologne

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 5912
Email: lahnor(at)

Heidi Wenge, M.A.


Buildung 810
Universitätsstraße 91
50931 Cologne

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 3663
Email: wenge(at)

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Student Assistants

Lara Selin Bahcuvan (bahcuvan(at)

Berk Inhat (inhat(at)

Hannes Michely (michely(at)

Henning Teigelkötter (teigelkoetter(at)

Amelie Stearns (astearns(at)

Lukas Fromelt (fromelt(at)

WiSo Credit Transfer Centre

The WiSo Credit Transfer Centre covers the entire complexity of the recognition and crediting of external achievements. It is the central point of contact for the crediting of examination results.

Many questions about the topic of crediting can already be clarified at the WiSSPo. You can contact the WiSSPo by phone at the following number: +49221-470 8818.

You can also send initial written enquiries to the WiSo Credit Transfer Centre using the contact form of the WiSo Student Service Point.

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AD Dr Johannes Antweiler

Head of WiSo Credit Transfer Centre

Philipp Saupe, M.Sc.

Deputy Wiso Credit Transfer Centre

Student Assistants

  • Jördis Pfeifer B.Sc.
  • Marie Gesell

WiSo IT-Services

The staff of the WiSo IT-Services are the contact persons for all IT issues within the WiSo Faculty. WiSo IT-Services offers faculty staff a wide range of IT infrastructure, services and support. In addition, they form the WiSo Faculty's central interface to the IT Center Cologne (ITCC) (formerly Regional Computing Center Cologne (RRZK)), which provides the university-wide IT infrastructure.

Dr Judith Zepp

Head of WiSo IT-Services

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 1537

Email: zepp(at)

Nelson Mrambio, B.A.

Webmaster / Server administrator


Phone (Support): +49 (0) 221 470 6630
Phone (personally): +49 (0) 221 470 7314

Email (Support): webmaster(at)
Email (personally): marambio(at)

Florian Nothe



Phone (Support): +49 (0) 221 470 6630
Phone (personally): +49 (0) 221 470 1540

Email (Support): support(at)
Email (personally): nothe(at)

Student Assistant

Tim Kunkel

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 6630
Email: supportat)

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WiSo Library and Campus Service

The WiSo Library and Campus Service sees itself as a partner for information and infrastructure. The focus is on realising services and locations that offer optimal support to students, lecturers and employees of the WiSo Faculty.

Administration team

Dr André Drost

Head of Department
Head of Library Team


Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 90471

Email: drost(at)

Sebastian Lange, M.LIS

Deputy Head
Head of Campus Team


Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 90461

Email: sebastian.lange(at)

Lisa Barz, M.A.

Office Management


Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 2622

Email: barz(at)

Campus team

Diana Frangenberg

Building Management


Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 90465

Email: frangenberg(at)

Christian Hüll

Technology Management


Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 90462

Email: huell(at)

Julia Berke-Dahmann

Equipment Management


Phone: +49 (0)221 470 90463

Email: berke-dahmann(at) 


Thomas Kornhoff

Service Management


Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 90464

Email: kornhoff(at)

Library Team

Friederike Meteling-Kost

Classic Library


Phone: +49 (0)221 470 2040

Email: meteling-kost(at)

Martina Maasjosthusmann

Classic Library & Business Archive


Phone: +49 (0)221 470 4711

Email: maasjosthusmann(at)

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) - Healthy University Cologne


Evelyn Mollin

Digital Library


Phone: +49 (0)221 470 76788

Email: mollin(at)

Laura Sahler

Data Library & Teaching Library


Phone: +49 (0)221 470 3511

Email: sahler(at)

Klara Skoljar

Library Stacks


Phone: +49 (0)221 470 3671

Email: skoljar(at)

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WiSo Marketing, Corporate Connections & Alumni Management

WiSo Marketing, Corporate Connections & Alumni Management offers the following services across the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences:

  • press relations work in cooperation and coordinated with the University’s Press, Communications and Marketing Department (Department 8);
  • a “find an expert” service for research topics at the WiSo Faculty;
  • management and continued evolution of the Faculty‘s website and the social media channels;
  • event management: organisation, staging and supervision of Faculty-wide events, advice on events at Faculty level;
  • alumni management: design, staging and continuing development of activities intended to ensure alumni involvement;
  • co-authoring and implementation of a Faculty-wide marketing strategy
  • Counselling of institutes, departments and other areas of the Faculty on university marketing matters and other PR activities.

If you have any news or event information you would like to publish in the news on the WiSo website or in the social media channels, please contact

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Daniel Scheu

Director of WiSo Marketing, Corporate Connections & Alumni Management

Universitätsstraße 91
50931 Cologne

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 2443

Email: dscheu(at)

Corinna Kipsieker

Marketing Management

Universitätsstraße 91
50931 Cologne

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 76425

Email: kipsieker(at)

Thomas Zab

Online Editor

Universitätsstr. 91
50931 Cologne

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 89258

Email: zab(at)

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Lukas Brehm

Media Design

Universitätsstr. 91
50931 Cologne

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 89141

Email: brehm(at)

Pascal Tambornino

Alumni Management

Universitätsstraße 91
50931 Cologne

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 4558

Email: tambornino(at)

Andrea Leon Diaz

Event Management

Universitätsstraße 91
50931 Cologne

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 6205

Email: leon-diaz(at)

Bettina Amann

Administrative Support

Universitätsstr. 91
50931 Cologne

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 89257

Email: amann(at)

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International Relations Center (ZIB WiSo)

The International Relations Center (ZIB WiSo) coordinates international activities for the WiSo Faculty of the University of Cologne. Its responsibilities include managing student exchanges and developing and implementing new internationalization strategies on behalf of the Faculty.

The ZIB WiSo promotes and supports cooperation in the following areas:

  • Student exchanges, short programmes and international degree programmes
  • Courses designed for international students
  • Membership in prestigious university networks
  • Partnerships with selected universities and business schools across the world
  • Close ties with the international business community
  • International Relations Center (ZIB)

Visiting address
Aachener Str. 209, 5th and 6th floors
(Entrance: Richard-Strauss-Str. 1)
50931 Cologne

Postal address
International Relations Center (ZIB)
Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (WiSo Faculty)
University of Cologne
50923 Cologne

Students are welcome to address their concerns to us via the WiSo Student Service Point (WiSSPo) email contact form.

Diana Hehle

Director International Relations


Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 7069

Email: diana.hehle(at)

Ulrike Decker

Deputy Director International Relations
Programme Manager WiSo@ programmes


Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 1281

Email: ulrike.decker(at)

Xenia Elbrächter

Double Master's Programme Manager


Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 7702

Email: xenia.elbraechter(at)

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Felix Beideck

Manager International Cooperation and Communication


Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 7072

Email: felix.beideck(at)

Outgoings Team

Kathrin Ebel

Outgoing Students Coordinator (Bachelor)


Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 1905/p>

Email: kathrin.ebel(at)

Veronika Langenberg

Outgoing Students Coordinator


Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 7065

Email: veronika.langenberg(at)

Jutta Reusch

Outgoing Students Coordinator (Master) and Internships Abroad


Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 7067

Email: jutta.reusch(at)

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Incomings Team

Jens Funk

Incoming Students Coordinator


Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 7969

Email: jens.funk(at)

Christoph Karl

Incoming Students Coordinator


Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 2779

Email: christoph.karl(at)

Natasha Turner

Incoming Students Coordinator and Programme Manager DBi Germany


Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 1283

Email: wiso-dbi(at)

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Christa Leenen-Poser

CEMS Corporate Relations Manager and Office Management


Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 3738

Email: christa.leenen-poser(at)

Alexandra Overath

CEMS Programme Manager


Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 7971

Email: alexandra.overath(at)

Philipp Sperber

CEMS Programme Manager


Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 1279

Email: philipp.sperber(at)

Student Assistants

Paul Becker (wirtschaftsenglisch(at)

Ainara Iglesias Costas (cems(at)

Hanna Kuße (hanna.kusse(at)

Samuli Sipponen (incomings(at)

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Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics and Social Sciences

The Cologne Graduate School (CGS) is the graduate school of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Cologne and offers doctoral training in empirical and quantitative methods in economics, management and social sciences. sciences. In the Department of Economics, the CGS offers an integrated graduate programme: a doctoral programme with an integrated M.Sc. in Economic Research.

Doctoral candidates please arrange a personal consultation appointment with Astrid Greuel:­
(Building: 101, BT3 (New Extension Building, Universitätsstr. 24) - WiSSPo 2 (B3 | Room 0.303) | Office hours: Monday - Thursday)

Dr Katharina Laske

Managing Director, Cologne Graduate School in Mangement, Economics and Social Sciences

Building: 810 (Universitätsstraße 91)
Room: 0.32

Phone: +49 (0)221 470 7955
Email: office-cgs(at)

Helge Braun, Ph.D.

Programm Director M.Sc. Economic Research

Building: 810 (Universitätsstraße 91)
Room: 0.13

Phone: +49 (0)221 470 87050
Email: office-cgs(at)

Astrid Greuel

Manager Central Doctoral Office, Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics and Social Sciences

Building: 810 (Universitätsstraße 91)
Room: 0.14

Phone: +49 (0)221 470 3213
Email: promotion(at)

Student Assistant

Emily Busch (busch(at)

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