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If you’re already studying International Management and would like to find out more about specific details of your master programme, you’ll find what you’re looking for on the programme structure page.

Key Facts

Degree: Master of Science
Duration: 4 semesters, full-time
Credits: 120 ECTS
Language: English
Content: The CEMS MIM programme is a rich combination of management theory and business practice within a challenging global learning environment where language and soft skills are highly valued.
International: Internship and Semester Abroad (both required
Application deadline: 31st March

This programme provides you with:

  • Management practice, methods, and theories required for international companies. This includes, but is not limited to, topics in strategy, leadership, organisation, and responsible/sustainable business practices.
  • The opportunity to acquire and improve your problem-solving skills, communication skills, ability to work in and lead international teams, hard and soft skills, and process capabilities.
  • A unique global network and access to our CEMS student community (“CEMSies”) – at home and abroad!

The CEMS network is a Global Alliance of 33 leading business schools across five continents and more than 80 multinational corporations and NGOs that jointly offer the CEMS Master in International Management (CEMS MIM). Only one among the most reputed schools of a country can become a member of the alliance. The University of Cologne represents Germany.

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Connecting with CEMSies from all over the world has shown me the magnitude of this programme. CEMS is not only a master programme – it’s a community with a unique spirit. Combined with the academic excellence of the University of Cologne and the tremendous corporate partner network, this programme presents an excellent chance for personal development and growth.

Jerome, Student of M.Sc. International Management (CEMS MIM) at the WiSo Faculty

This programme is right for you if you:

  • Have successfully completed a bachelor’s or equivalent degree in management, business administration or economics – talented applicants from around the world are welcome.
  • Can demonstrate initial work experience in the shape of internships, voluntary work, projects, and other relevant experiences.
  • Are not only academically successful but also display a high standard of ethical conduct: you should be able to draw upon cultural diversity with respect and empathy as well as showing professional responsibility and accountability concerning society as a whole.

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CEMS Master in International Management

Programme Overview

Preparing you for future challenges

The CEMS MIM is a pre-experience postgraduate degree. It is the pioneer in modern international management education and was founded by the University of Cologne (Germany), HEC (France), Bocconi (Italy), and ESADE (Spain) in 1988. The CEMS MIM has Germany-wide ranked among the Top 10 in the Financial Times Ranking of “Masters in Management” for many years.

Business Project

One highlight of the curriculum is a business project in which you work on current managerial topics in close cooperation with a company representative. The project’s goal is to apply scientific theories and methods to the issues at hand and to derive concrete recommendations. It includes conceptual and application-oriented elements, such as student presentations, case studies, discussions and guest speakers from the field.

Marc Fischer

I cannot think of another programme that offers access to the same breadth of top business schools around the world, the same level of bond among students, and the same range of corporate and NGO partners.

Marc Fischer, Academic Director of M.Sc. International Management (CEMS MIM), Professor of Marketing & Director of the Chair in Marketing Science and Analytics

Link to the practical world

One strong feature of the programme is the practical contact you, as a student, will receive. Guest lecturers and skill seminars establish and promote direct exchange between companies and students. We emphasise academic rigour and practical relevance to educate you through broadly-skilled and international management leaders.

Chat with a student

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Do you want first-hand insights and experiences about the Master International Management (CEMS MIM) and the Student life at the University of Cologne from WiSo students?
Then don't hesitate and Chat with a student!


English taught programme

The programme is delivered entirely in English. Starting with the application to the programme, you must document a C1 Level in English and a B1 Level command of a second CEMS language. In order to graduate, you as a CEMS MIM student must demonstrate competencies in a third language at the end of the Master’s programme.

Semester and internship abroad

An integral part of the curriculum is a semester abroad which exposes you to another CEMS university and country, expands your academic horizon and develops your capacity to adapt to various educational settings. Collaboration in and with intercultural teams plays a pivotal role in international management, therefore an international internship is a compulsory requirement within the CEMS MIM. This internship must cover a period of at least eight consecutive weeks, comprise a full-time assignment and be completed within one company.

International study experience

More than 33% of CEMS MIM students1 at the University of Cologne are international passport holders. Outside of the classroom, the PIM & CEMS Club organises a variety of events on and around campuses to foster social and cultural learning experiences and to drive the international student community.
1average 2020 and 2021 UoC MIM intakes

CEMS Master in International Management

Semester Abroad

Career Opportunities

The CEMS MIM is a compelling choice for those seeking a truly versatile and geographically mobile international career: 36% of CEMS MIM graduates are located outside of their home country.

Potential employers range from start-ups and small/medium-sized companies to large global cooperations in the consulting, technology, consumer goods or finance sectors. The knowledge and skills acquired throughout the programme prepare you for future leadership positions in areas of consulting, marketing, sales and finance.

Yvonne Mitschka

My work with Transparency International during my CEMS Business Project was the trigger for my decision to accumulate expertise in the climate/energy/environment field. On top of that, the programmes at the University of Cologne offer an extremely effective way of learning to work in a flexible environment and to harness that flexibility proactively in a manner that is beneficial for oneself and others.

Yvonne Mitschka, Associate Banker of Green Economy Transition Financial Institutions at EBRD and CEMS-Alumna of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Cologne


  • 97% are employed or continue their studies within 3 months after graduation
  • 75% work for multinational companies
  • 51% work for CEMS Corporate Partners
  • 76% are fluent in 3 or more languages

Diverse Alumni Network

CEMS students have various opportunities to engage with the unique CEMS alumni network both during and after their studies. The network supports lifelong learning, professional development, and global networking, allowing alumni to establish valuable connections and actively participate in the CEMS community.

  • WiSoAlumni, the alumni network of the Faculty of Management, Economics, and Social Sciences, keeps former students in touch and offers numerous career opportunities. For CEMS students in Cologne, WiSoAlumni provides access to exclusive events, career consultations, networking opportunities, a broad professional network and a vibrant connection to the University of Cologne.
  • The PIM & CEMS Club Cologne, a student initiative at the University of Cologne, aims to build a network between students and alumni. It offers CEMS students practical experience through corporate events and workshops, language improvement opportunities, and participation in international study trips. The club also supports international students during their first weeks in Cologne and helps them integrate into a diverse community of over 1,700 members.
  • The CEMS Alumni Platform connects CEMS alumni worldwide, fostering career opportunities and the exchange of knowledge and experiences. It provides access to exclusive events, professional resources, and a global alumni network, encouraging active participation in the CEMS community. The CEMS Network and Global Alliance includes over 20,000+ alumni, 78 corporate and social partners as well as academic partnerships of 34 schools worldwide.



All information about the Master's application at the WiSo Faculty.

Get in touch:

If you have any questions please contact:

Philipp Sperber
CEMS Programme Management

Book an appointment (Zoom or in-person)