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If you want to know what it's actually like to study at Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences or if you want to find out first-hand what is important in your desired degree programme, we have the right offers for you here. Also if you are not sure yet or  want to find out whether your study decision really suits you, you have come to the right place.

Infoevents degree programmes

Are you interested in a studyprogramme of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Cologne? Then get to know our degree programs at our information event. Find out everything about our academic programmes and discover the diverse job opportunities available after graduation.

Chat with Paco

Are you interested in studying at the WiSo Faculty and looking for quick information about courses, admission procedures or general questions about the University of Cologne? Then Paco is just right for you! Paco, the artificial intelligence of the WiSo Faculty of the University of Cologne, will answer all your fact-based questions about your desired degree programme at any time - without waiting.

Just give it a try!*

Paco is the perfect complement to 'Chat with a Student'. While Paco provides you with quick and reliable facts, 'Chat with a Student' gives you an authentic insight into studying: real WiSo students tell you first-hand about their experiences of everyday life at university and their degree programmes.

Chat with a student

Do you want first-hand insights and experiences about the Study Programmes of the WiSo Faculty and the Student life at the University of Cologne from WiSo students?

Then don't hesitate and Chat with a student!

With Paco and „Chat with a Student“, you have everything you need to optimally prepare for your choice of degree programme!

Fairs and events - meet us in person!

Our experts are at numerous trade fairs and events. Let's talk and answer all your questions. We look forward to getting to know you and helping you!

The next dates:

Online-Self-Assessment - Test yourself!

With the help of an online self-assessment (OSA)*, you can find out whether your personal interests, expectations and competences match the requirements and contents of the degree programmes at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences.

For the B.Sc. in Economics, prior completion of the OSA is a prerequisite for enrolment.

In addition, it contains further information and counselling services that can support you on the way to your study decision.

*Registration in the UzK Assessment-ILIAS is required.

Studieren Probieren

Das Programm „Studieren Probieren“ der Zentralen Studienberatung der Universität zu Köln bietet Studieninteressierten während der Vorlesungszeiten die Möglichkeit, in den Studienalltag einzelner Studiengänge einzutauchen.

Weitere Informationen zum Schnupperprogramm der WiSo-Fakultät und anderer Fakultäten sowie die Möglichkeit zur Anmeldung findest du auf der Webseite „Studieren Probieren“ der Zentralen Studienberatung der Universität zu Köln.

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