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WiSoAlumni Success Stories
The career paths of our alumni are diverse and inspiring. Read more here
WiSo Ceremonies Photo Gallery
Login to the photo gallery of WiSo Graduations
Dates and Events
Panels, Excursions, Presentations, Alumni Get-Togethers and much more
Highered Talent
Connecting Corporates, Students, and Alumni!
Alumni Careers Consultation
CV Check and Career Advice
Mentoring Opportunities
Coaching and Mentoring at the University of Cologne
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Support the alumni work at the University of Cologne and the WiSo Faculty
WiSo Faculty
Universitaetsstr. 91
50931 Cologne
Telephone +49 - (0) 221 / 470 4558
E-mail alumni(at)wiso.uni-koeln.de