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Zwei Teenager-Mädchen in einer konfrontativen Haltung, eine wirkt aggressiv und die andere defensiv, in einem Innenbereich, möglicherweise in einem verlassenen Gebäude.

Rise in youth crime in Germany?

WiSo researchers analyse post-pandemic effects and long-term prevention strategies.
Ein Fußballspieler schießt einen Elfmeter, während der Torwart sich auf die Abwehr vorbereitet, durch das Netz von hinten gesehen.

Sport tournaments can encourage racially motivated crime

New study on hate crime after the 2020 European Football Championship in England.
WiSo achieves top results in new research ranking of marketing faculties

WiSo achieves top results in new research ranking of marketing faculties

MKTBig15 Ranking
Digitalisierungsexpertin Dr. Katharina Drechsler in einer roten Jacke erhält ein Auszeichnungszertifikat von einem älteren Mann in einem Anzug in einem formellen Rahmen.

Wolfgang Ritter Prize 2024 for WiSo scientist

Digitalisation expert Dr Katharina Drechsler receives this year's Wolfgang Ritter Prize.

Our Faculty

Our faculty has a century of experience in the education of new generations of business professionals, economists, social analysts and political experts. During this time we have developed a tradition of close dialogue with our stakeholders and a focus on research that is relevant to the corporate world, to economic policy and to society at large. Today as in the past, our faculty is committed to further cultivating the unity of research and teaching which enables us both to deliver insights and to educate people, and in so doing to enrich business practice and broaden societal alternatives at home and internationally.

The WiSo Faculty

Today's ideas. Tomorrow's impact. in between dominoes

Today’s ideas. Tomorrow’s impact.

The strategic goals of the WiSo Faculty
Bewegugsverwischte Menschen bewegen sich auf der Treppe im Modulbau der WiSo-Fakultät


Prestigious rankings confirm our excellence in teaching and research.
Professor Bruno

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