Establishing a Shared Vision
We have established a shared mission and vision and have defined strategic goals that are aligned with them and have developed a new claim.
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Our Claim – Today’s ideas. Tomorrow's impact.
Our claim Today’s ideas. Tomorrow's impact. indicates what WiSo represents. We are at the forefront of today’s research and teaching and generate ideas that trigger new developments advance theory and application. We think in the future and ultimately strive for a positive impact on the world.
"My idea is to become the best, successful, superior version of myself. I want to leave an impact on everyone I meet by making them feel welcomed, included and valued. I’m determined to make our world a place with less violence, hatred, negativity, and filled with love and beautiful people instead."
Student of B.Sc. Management, Economics and Social Sciences
Our Mission – To develop knowledge and people for a better world
- We conduct rigorous and relevant scientific research in Management, Economics and Social Sciences and support people to grow and reach their full potential. We actively engage external stake-holders in our research and teaching to make a positive difference in the world.
- Our mission states our ultimate objective and provides purpose. It has become increasingly difficult for people to judge which information they can trust, and which information is distorted or false. WiSo provides knowledge that people can rely on. We generate and share scientific results that have a positive impact on people, organisations, society and the planet. We conduct basic and applied scientific research that changes the way people think or behave, the way organisations operate, and the way economic policies are developed and implemented. We work with companies, other organisations, policy makers, and the public on current social challenges and contribute to a sustainable, peaceful, and democratic society.
- The people element of our mission is equally important as its knowledge component. Our students, faculty, and staff have individual development goals and requirements. We support them in their development to allow them to reach their full potential and make a positive difference in the world.
Our Vision
To be among the leading academic institutions in Management, Economics, and Social Sciences in Europe, measured in terms of
- quality and visibility of our research in selected fields,
- education and preparation of open-minded students for future careers, and
- the impact that our activities have on people, organisations, society, and the planet,
we have bundled our research expertise in two research centers and four key research initiatives. We highly value excellent individual research of our faculty, but particularly support these selected fields to enhance their visibility and contributions.
We have redesigned all of our study programmes and have adapted content and teaching approaches to prepare students well for future careers and for contributing to creating a better word. Our new study programmes prepare students to address the various new challenges that they will face.
"My idea is to use my privileges to stand up for social justice and sustainability."
Student of B.Sc. Management, Economics and Social Sciences
What ultimately counts is the impact that our activities have on the world. Our research, teaching, and third-mission activities are directed to allow people, organizations and society to advance and to address the challenges that our planet is facings.
WiSo's Strategic Goals

Increasing Our Attractiveness