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Staying well informed made easy!

As a student of the WiSo Faculty you will receive a weekly infomail with subject specific as well as organizational news via KLIPS directly to your personal S-Mail account.
very week you will find important and useful information about your studies at the WiSo Faculty of the University of Cologne, about student initiatives, scholarships, competitions, events and much more.

You will automatically receive the appropriate information mail, depending on whether you are studying for a Bachelor's or Master's degree.

Staying informed is now even easier.
The previous bachelor and master newsletters have been discontinued. All important information will now be sent directly to your S-Mail address.
You can log into your S-Mail account here.
Under the personal settings you can make changes such as forwarding the mails to an alternative email address.

Newsletter for prospective Students (Master Studies)

If you are interested in our Master's programs, you should register for the following newsletter:  Registration Newsletter for students interested in master studies

Career Newsletter

To receive the Career Newsletter of the WiSo Career Service [in German], please register via the Career Database and subscribe to the newsletter:
Career Newsletter of the WiSo Career Service

You can take off your name from the mailing list at any time by following the instructions in the mail.


Would you like to publish some information? Do you have questions or suggestions, about the infomail or the newsletters?
Please contact the editorial team