The following interviews are from our series ‘WiSoAlumni Suces Stories’. Successful founders were interviewed who studied at the WiSo Faculty.

Johannes Partz flüssiggas1.de„Find a job that you really enjoy!“

Adela Kadiricbookmyhostess.com„I had not planned to become an entrepreneur.“

Victoria Blechman "Only with diversely structured teams can ideas be brought to sustainable success".

Jana Kielwein "Be brave, try things, and be willing to make mistakes.“

Vernon Flassak Oh Honey GmbHSustainability as part of the brand core

Wolfram UerlichgoFLUX Mobility GmbH„The intuition and the heart usually know which way to go“

Franziska Schaal PLANT BASED POWER GmbH"Ever since I founded the initiative, I am very grateful for my large network.“