Equal Opportunity
Equal opportunity, diversity and pluralism are of the utmost importance to our faculty, and we strive to actively promote them wherever we can. The WiSo Faculty is fully committed to the "Gender Equality & Diversity" mission statement of the University of Cologne.
We want to create framework conditions that ensure that the University of Cologne is open to all people with appropriate access rights, regardless of their circumstances and social backgrounds. The Equal Opportunities Plan of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences defines the goals and measures to support equal opportunities.
We want to ensure that the University of Cologne is open to anyone and everyone who deserves to be there, regardless of individual circumstances or social backgrounds. The Equal Opportunity Plan of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences outlines a set of goals and measures designed to promote equality.
"My idea is to transform our society to achieve gender equality and social inclusion."
Student of B.Sc. Management, Economics and Social Sciences
Among other things, the WiSo Faculty has taken the following measures to support our commitment to diversity and equal opportunity at the University of Cologne:
- Support for GeStiK (Gender Studies in Cologne), direct approval of GeStik teaching assignments for the Studium Integrale by the Dean of Studies of the WiSo Faculty
- Measures to increase the representation of women in professorships by improving the quality of appointment processes
- Measures to increase the representation of women in habilitations, substitute professorships and teaching positions
- Measures to mitigate the underrepresentation of women by means of targeted appeals
- Support for a healthy balance of scientific/professional responsibilities, studies and family life, including flexible working schedules, improved infrastructure and family-friendly workplaces
- Measures to increase the international representativeness of students, professors and employees.
"My idea is to use the opportunities I have to create opportunities for others instead of closing my eyes, I want to face our world with all its challenges."
Student of B.Sc. Management, Economics and Social Sciences
Equal Opportunity at the University of Cologne
Gender Equality & Diversity
Brochure Strategy Equal Opportunities (pdf)
Equal Opportunity - Guidelines (pdf)
Diversity & Equal Opportunity in Study and Teaching
Dual Career & Family Support (CFS)
Gender Studies in Cologne (GeStiK)
Jenny Gusyk Awards
Guidance in the Field of Diversity & Equal Opportunities
Female Career Program (FCP)
Cornelia Harte Mentoring
First Generation Doctorates Mentoring+
Equal Opportunities Plans
Central Gender Equality Officer of the University of Cologne
Contact person for equal opportunities at the WiSo Faculty
Contact person for equal opportunities at the WiSo Faculty

Telephone +49-0221-470-772
E-mail fuchs(at)wiso.uni-koeln.de