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Complaint Management

Complaint management at the WiSo Faculty

The WiSo Faculty has an organised system for receiving complaints and problems from students.
The following presentation gives you an overview of how feedback is usually handled at the WiSo Faculty:

As a student, you should not be afraid to address problems, criticise and praise. Because only through constructive and respectfully formulated feedback can the study conditions always be optimised! To do so, simply use the WiSSPo contact form and the request reason "Praise, criticism, complaint".

Complaint management at the UoC

The Suggestions and Complaints Office for Teaching and Studies” (short: SCO) is a central contact point for students at the University of Cologne. It is there to take up and process your concerns, for example complaints, interdisciplinary problems and suggestions regarding teaching and studying. It is an additional service for students - outside the structures of faculties and administration.