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Certificates for authorities

We regularly receive requests for certificates showing student and examination data to be presented to authorities and pension insurers. If the data required pertains to examinations (it is usually the date of the last examination or the average or standard period of study at the time of completion of the programme), we are happy to issue such certificates. Please note, however, that only the registrar’s office (“Studierendensekretariat”) can provide information on exact periods of study, enrolment and dematriculation, etc.

Certificates for internships

Various institutions, such as companies or foreign consulates, require internship applicants to provide a letter verifying that the Faculty is in favour of the internship. The Examination Office does not issue this type of letter.
In such cases, please contact WiSo Student Service Point. They will also be able to give you a certificate of academic benefit (“Förderlichkeitsbescheinigung”) for your leave of absence application to the registrar’s office.
Information concerning the rules governing the issuing of such certificates is also only available from WiSo Student Service Point.