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Commemorative in honour of Prof. Dr Wolfgang Leidhold

Ilias inventor turns 70

Wolfgang Leidhold in Großaufnahme

On the basis of his outstanding career and his 70th birthday, 32 contributors from Germany & abroad have written a commemorative in his honour. The text focuses on the one hand on the interdisciplinary perspectives of Leidhold's research and on the other hand on the foundation of the WiSo professor's educational vita.

The topic of Experience is an omnipresent concept in science and society that has long remained structurally unexplored. In his extensive work on the topic of the History of Experience, the political scientist Prof. Dr. Leidhold has succeeded in closing this research gap. In this light, Claudius Mandel and Philipp Thimm (WiSo alumni), with the support of numerous authors, have written a commemorative volume in his honour.

The authors' contributions focus on the core themes of the experience: people, society and politics. These contributions are supplemented with a subsequent personal interview with the ILIAS inventor and a conversation that illuminates the cornerstones of his educational vita. Prof. Dr. Leidhold provides personal insights into his multifaceted life, freely following his life motto: "Follow your stubbornness and jump into the waves, and then see where your wave takes you".