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Managing Board

Dean: Prof. Ulrich Thonemann, Ph.D.

studied industrial engineering and management at the Universities of Berkeley, Paderborn and Stanford. He gained his Ph.D. at Stanford University in Management Science and Engineering. After that, he worked for three years as an assistant professor in Stanford, after that for three years as a consultant with McKinsey & Company in Cologne. He started his academic career in Germany at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, before joining the University of Cologne. Here, he heads the Chair for Supply Chain Management & Management Science at the WiSo Faculty. In his role as First Vice Dean he was first responsible for the internationalization of the WiSo faculty, after that he set up and developed the Business School of the University of Cologne. Since April 2019, Professor Thonemann is Dean of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Cologne.

To the website of Prof. Ulrich Thonemann, Ph.D.

Vice Dean: Prof. Dr Nicole Naeve-Stoß

Nicole Naeve-Stoß studied business education/teaching at vocational schools at the University of Hamburg. She received her doctorate in business education from the University of Hamburg in 2013. She then worked as akademischer Rat at the University of Göttingen and as a professor at the University of Siegen. In 2017, she moved to the University of Cologne, where she holds a professorship in business education.

Her research focuses include subject-oriented curriculum and teaching development, teaching-learning processes in vocational education, teacher training, innovation processes in vocational education, and university didactics.

Nicole Naeve-Stoß is co-editor of the journal bwp@ - Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik - online.

To the website of Prof. Dr Nicole Naeve-Stoß

Vice Dean of Research: Prof. Michael Krause, Ph.D.

  • 1992 - 1993 Graduate Studies in PhD Programme at University of California at Berkeley (Stipend by German Academic Exchange Service, DAAD)
  • 1989 - 1994 Diplom in Economics (VWL) at Rheinische-Friedrich-Wilhelms Universität, Bonn
  • 1994 - 1999 Ph.D. Programme in Economics, Yale University, New Haven, U.S.A.
  • 1999 - 2005 Assistant Professor of Economics, Tilburg University, Netherlands
  • 2003 Visiting Assistant Professor, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, U.S.A.
  • 2005 - 2010 Visiting Scholar and/or Lecturer at Goethe University, Frankfurt (2010), Tel Aviv University, Israel (2009), Tokyo University, Japan (2008), Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, U.S.A. (2005), and Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, U.S.A. (multiple years)
  • 2005 - 2013 Senior Research Economist at the Deutsche Bundesbank, Frankfurt
  • Since 2013 Professor (W3) of Macroeconomics at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences, University of Cologne

To the Website of Prof. Michael Krause, Ph.D.

Vice Dean of Academic Career: Prof. Dr Marita Jacob

Prof. Dr Marita Jacob studied Social Sciences, Mathematics and Economics at the Justus-Liebig-University Gießen, at Westminster University London and the Freie Universität Berlin. Since May 2011, Marita Jacob has been a professor of Sociology at the Institute of Sociology and Social Psychology (ISS).

Her research work is devoted to social inequalities in the life course, especially educational inequalities and employment market issues. Further, Marita Jacob is involved in the promotion of interdisciplinary empirical educational research. Her research work has been published in leading sociological journals (e.g. Social Forces, European Sociological Review, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility). Topics addressed, includes the influence of social background on educational decisions and pathways, and the correlation between education and fertility as well as labour market entry and unemployment. 

To the website of Prof. Dr Marita Jacob

Vice Dean of Studies: Prof. Dr Michael Overesch

has been Vice Dean of Studies at the WiSo Faculty since April 2019. He is Professor of Business Taxation at the University of Cologne since 2013. Before working at the University of Cologne, Prof. Overesch was Professor of Business Taxation at Goethe University in Frankfurt (2011 - 2013). His research interests lie in the influence of taxation on the decision making of companies. A research focus is tax planning of international companies. He examined cross-border profit shifting activities and optimal tax investment and location decisions of international companies in numerous publications.

The lectures of Prof. Dr Overesch teach basic tax knowledge and its involvement in business decisions. 

Prof. Dr Overesch studied economics in Osnabrück and Mannheim and graduated in Business Administration at the University of Mannheim. He completed a doctorate at the University of Mannheim. After that he worked at the department of business taxation of Prof. Ulrich Schreiber at the University of Mannheim and at the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW). He also worked as a guest researcher at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

To the website of Prof. Dr Michael Overesch

Managing Director: Gerold Gnau

is the Managing Director of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences. Thus, as a member of the Managing Board, he supports the development and implementation of the faculty strategy.

Together with the various service areas and the Dean's Office team, he is responsible for an efficient and effective student-centred administration that supports teaching and research and provides tangible added value for students. In addition, he is in charge of all commercial matters of the faculty in coordination with the dean.

Dean's Office

Gerold Gnau, Dipl.-Kulturwirt Univ.

Managing Director

Building: 101, BT 3 (New Extension Building,
Universitätsstr. 24)

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 – 8814
E-Mail: dekanat(at)


Iris Ruckert

Executive Assistant

Building: 101, BT 3 (New Extension Building, Universitätsstr. 24)
Room: 1.320

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 – 5607
E-Mail: dekanat(at)


Bettina Amann

Administration Finanzen

Gebäude: 101, BT 3 (Erweiterungsneubau, Universitätsstr. 24)

Telefon: +49 (0) 221 470 – 76055
E-Mail: finanzen(at)

Frederike Freund

Rankings and International Accreditations

Building: 101, BT 3 (New Extension Building, Universitätsstr. 24)

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 – 76972


Dipl.-Geogr. Janina Klug

International Accreditations

Building: 101, BT 3 (New Extension Building, Universitätsstr. 24)

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 – 7451
E-Mail: klug(at)


Dr. Michael Otten

Risk Management and Committees

Building: 101, BT 3 (New Extension Building, Universitätsstr. 24)

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 – 2773
E-Mail: otten(at)


Eva Peters, M.A.

International Accreditations

Building: 101, BT 3 (New Extension Building, Universitätsstr. 24)

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 – 76032
E-Mail: eva.peters(at)


Dipl.-Ök. Kathrin Schmitz

Finance & Controlling

Building: 101, BT 3 (New Extension Building, Universitätsstr. 24)

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 – 7086
E-Mail: finanzen(at)


Tim Strobel, B.Sc.

Project Management

Building: 101, BT 3 (New Extension Building, Universitätsstr. 24)

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 – 89242
E-Mail: strobel(at)


Alina Waltke, M.A.

Professional Appointment Procedures

Building: 101, BT 3 (New Extension Building, Universitätsstr. 24)

Phone: +49 (0) 221 470 – 7913
E-Mail: jobs(at)



WiSo Marketing offers the following services across the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences:

  • press relations work in cooperation and coordinated with the University’s Press, Communications and Marketing Department (Department 8);
  • a “find an expert” service for research topics at the WiSo Faculty;
  • management and continued evolution of the Faculty‘s social media channels;
  • management of other information channels such as news published on the website and infoscreens at the WiSo Faculty;
  • WiSo Faculty website and editorial management and evolution of content in the following sections: Faculty/Managing Board, Research, Corporate, Service (Student Services, International: International Relations Center (“ZIB”)); advice on content for departments/institutes;
  • event management: organisation, staging and supervision of Faculty-wide events, advice on events at Faculty level;
  • alumni management: design, staging and continuing development of activities intended to ensure alumni involvement;
  • coordination of translation of editorial texts for website and PR documents into English; and
  • co-authoring and implementation of a Faculty-wide marketing strategy in cooperation with the Faculty’s Marketing Commissioner

In all these areas, WiSo Marketing works closely with the WiSo Managing Board and all otherWiSo institutions as well as the University-wide marketing department (Department 8). The staff are happy to advise institutes, departments and other areas of the Faculty on university marketing matters and other PR activities.

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Director of WiSo Marketing

Daniel Scheu

Universitätsstraße 91
50931 Cologne

+49 (0) 221 470 2443


Daniel Scheu is in charge of all marketing and PR activities at Faculty level. He draw up an annual Faculty strategy. The measures he derives from the strategy are coordinated, managed, evaluated and evolved within the WiSo Marketing department.

Having successfully completed his Business Administration studies at the University’s WiSo Faculty, he worked as a WiSo course advisor from 2009 to 2013 and helped set up the WiSo Student Service (“Studienberatungszentrum”), under the direction of the long-time Managing Director of the Faculty, Dr Gunther Zander. In 2013 he took on the press and public relations duties at the Faculty and continuously developed the area further.

As new tasks were added, the marketing team grew to its current staff of four. When the marketing activities were separated off from the Dean’s Office to form a new unit at the beginning of 2016, he became manager of the new WiSo Marketing department. In 2018, he successfully completed his MSc in Science Marketing as an additional qualification.

Marketing Management

Corinna Kipsieker

Universitätsstr. 91
50931 Cologne

+49 (0) 221 470 76425


Corinna Kipsieker became a member of the WiSo Faculty in April 2024. She is responsible for national and international student recruitment marketing, and manages campaigns as well as customer relationship management.

Online Editor

Thomas Zab

Universitätsstr. 91
50931 Cologne

+49 (0) 221 470 89258


Thomas Zab is responsible for the WiSo Faculty website since August 2019. In addition to the editorial content, he takes care of the news  among other things. He is also responsible for all social media channels of the WiSo Faculty  (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Mastodon, LinkedIn). He also answers press enquiries, finds experts and writes articles for various media, including target-group-specific newsletters.

Together with Nelson Marambio from WiSo IT and INfrastructure, he also regularly offers TYPO3 introductory courses for staff.

For press releases, please contact Department 8: Press and Communications.

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Media Design

Lukas Brehm

Universitätsstr. 91
50931 Cologne

+49 (0) 221 470 89141


Lukas Brehm has been responsible for the design of visual media, including video material in particular, since August 2021. He is the contact person for the visual design of communication measures as well as cross-media campaigns of the WiSo faculty. With the goal of a uniform brand communication, he constantly adapts the existing corporate design to current developments and communicates them internally.

In addition, he advises faculty institutions and chairs in the context of visual media production and design, and offers support in the form of training courses on the proper use of video technology at the faculty's Creative Video Studio.

Alumni Management

Pascal Tambornino

Universitätsstraße 91
50931 Cologne

+49 (0) 221 470 4558


Pascal Tambornino is responsible for the WiSo faculty Alumni network since January 2023.
Numerous WiSo alumni have laid the foundation of their careers at the University of Cologne. And they stay in contact with their alma mater through the alumni community even years after graduation. They benefit from a regular exchange with former fellow students as well as with members of the WiSo faculty.

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Event Management

Andrea Leon Diaz

Universitätsstraße 91
50931 Cologne

+49 (0) 221 470 6205


The Event Management is responsible for the planning, staging and external communication of conferences, ceremonies and seminars on behalf of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences. Ms Leon Diaz is the person to contact for any questions concerning the organisation of internal and external events. She advises and assists Faculty members before and after the conferences they hold on management, economics and social science matters.

She also works with the Professional Appointments Department to organise welcome ceremonies for new professors and staff as well as supporting the WiSo Faculty’s online editorial team by supplying content for all web-based media channels.

Administrative Support

Bettina Amann

Universitätsstr. 91
50931 Cologne

+49 (0) 221 470 89257


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Shared Office Team 1

The WiSo Shared Office Team 1 gives assistance to the professorial chairs stated below. It is located at Universitätsstraße 91 (Building 810).

It is not responsible for inquiries to the Dean's Office, in these cases please contact Ms Ruckert: dekanat(at)

Contact details

50923 Köln


Phone: +49 (0)221-470 4128


Visitor's address/reception

Universitätsstr. 91, Rooms 0.35 / 0.36
50931 Köln

Office hours:

Mon. - Wed. from 9am - 4pm,
Thu from 9am - 3pm
Fri. from 9am - 1pm

The office remains closed from December 27 to December 30, 2022.

Beate Ommer

Universitätsstr. 91, Room 0.36
50931 Köln

Phone: +49 (0)221-470 89169

Ilka Pätzold

Universitätsstr. 91, Room 0.35
50931 Köln

Phone: +49 (0)221-470 89160

Ana Wolf (on maternity leave)

Universitätsstr. 91, Room 0.35
50931 Köln

Phone: +49 (0)221-470 4128

Student/Scientific assistants

Universitätsstr. 91, Room 0.28
50931 Köln
Phone: +49(0)221-470 89143

  • Leon von der Linde
  • Roman von der Linde
  • Kilian Schwanke

The following professorial chairs are currently being supported

Shared Office Team 2

The WiSo Shared Office Team 2 gives assistance to the professorial chairs in Economics/Microeconomics.

Our chairs


Marta Dubasiewicz (M.A.)


Room 4.302

Phone: +49 (0)221-470 89808


Dorothea Pakebusch


Room 4.303

Phone: +49 (0)221-470 76229


Information for students

  • Students and prospective students – please address enquiries about studying and examinations at WiSo to the WiSo Student Service Point.
  • Please address enquiries about theses to the supervisor.
  • Please address enquiries about assessments to the assessor.
  • Please arrange appointments directly with the relevant person by e-mail.
  • If you have any problems with Klips, the Klips Team will be happy to help you.
  • For questions about courses organised by the chairs we supervise: Please send an email to Include your degree programme, your matriculation number and the number of the course, and the alphanumeric module number for examinations. Please attach screenshots to the e-mail if this could clarify matters.

Contact details

Postal address:

WiSo-Sekretariat 2
Universität zu Köln
50923 Köln

Visitor's address/reception

Universitätsstr. 22a, Room 4.302-4.304
50931 Köln

Office hours:

Please make an appointment via email to
