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REWE Company Visit

The REWE Group is one of Europe's leading retail and tourism groups and an attractive employer based in Cologne.  With over 10,800 markets in 23 countries, it offers daily opportunities to develop together and create new values. The REWE Group is currently organized in four segments: German Trade, International Trade, Travel and Tourism and Other Businesses.

Last but not least, sustainability is a big issue at REWE Group: The company has committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 50% by 2030

With us you can experience the REWE Group from the inside, get to know REWE employees and get an authentic picture of the working environment, the various areas of activity and the employer.

Come and get your own impression of the REWE Group, take a personal look at the culture and working methods of the company and exchange ideas with employees from different areas and career levels.

Don't miss the chance to get to know the REWE Group as closely as you rarely have the chance.

Excursion from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.:

Details will follow shortly


When: 21th November 2024
Time: 10 am - 4 pm
Where: REWE Campus Stolbergerstr. 76 – 78, 50933 Köln
LAnguage: Deutsch
Registriation: Karrieredatenbank  - first come first serve


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