WiSo Libraries & Services
The WiSo Faculty's libraries provide you with a comprehensive range of (e-)media and data, well-equipped study spaces, as well as services and advice.
Infrastructure and services for the sciences. With us.
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In the Cologne University Catalogue you can search more than 13 million books, journals and e-media of the University of Cologne as well as over 53 million (mainly digital) articles.
WiSo Teaching Library
Research & Publishing
Book Ordering Service
Study Spaces
WiSo Libraries
WiSo Library
The central and interdisciplinary library of the WiSo Faculty.
Libraries - Business Administration
Libraries - Economics
Libraries - Social Sciences
- BA-& PoSi-LIBRARYLibrary of Business Administration and of the Institute for Political Science and European Questions
https://bwlbibliothek.uni-koeln.de/de/Sibille-Hartmann-Straße 2-8 (1st floor, entrance B, orange), 50969 Cologne (Zollstock)
- WiSo LibraryWiSo Library
https://vwlbibliothek.uni-koeln.de/de/Universitätsstr. 22a (Student Service Center/SSC, 4th floor), 50937 Cologne
- IT-LIBRARYLibrary for Computer Science and Information Systems
https://informatikbibliothek.uni-koeln.de/Weyertal 121 (5th floor), 50931 Cologne
- INSURANCE-LIBRARYLibrary for insurance science
https://fbv.uni-koeln.de/de/Kerpener Str. 30 (ground floor), 50937 Cologne
- ENERGY-LIBRARYLibrary of the Institute for Energy Economics
https://www.ewi.uni-koeln.de/de/bibliothek/Vogelsanger Str. 321 a (Alte Wagenfabrik, ground floor), 50827 Cologne (Ehrenfeld)
- ECONOMETRICS-LIBRARYLibrary of the Institute for Econometrics and Statistics
https://wisostat.uni-koeln.de/de/bibliothek/bibliothek-fuer-oekonometrie-und-statistik/Universitätsstr. 24 (2nd floor, room 2.312), 50931 Cologne
- ECONPOLICY-LIBRARYLibrary of the Institute for Economic Policy
https://iwp.uni-koeln.de/institut/bibliothek/Pohligstr. 1 (1st floor), 50969 Cologne (Zollstock)