WiSo Teaching Library
Would you like to search for literature and data successfully?
Would you like to evaluate, manage and process them in a competent manner?
The WiSo libraries, the University and City Library of Cologne (USB) and the Regional Computing Centre (RRZK) have a wide range of courses on offer to improve your skills.
Register now!
Basic course in literature research (find literature and data)
- Where do I start my search?
- How do I find specific books, journals, articles or figures and statistics?
- How do I obtain books and essays that are not available in Cologne?
- English courses via date inquiry
You are interested in a course in English? Then write to us: lica-data(at)wiso.uni-koeln.de or make a date inquiry using the course registration form
Course registration & date inquiry
Duration: 90 minutes
Location: online via Zoom
Language: German. English on request: Write to us!
Course material (German and English): Slides and exercises in ILIAS
Advanced course in literature research (find literature on a topic)
- How do I find literature to get started with a topic?
- How do I conduct a comprehensive thematic search in economic databases?
- What search strategies and techniques can I use?
- How do I conduct a cited reference search?
- English courses via date inquiry
You are interested in a course in English? Then write to us: lica-data(at)wiso.uni-koeln.de or make a date inquiry using the course registration form
Course registration & date inquiry
Duration: 90 minutes
Location: online via Zoom
Language: German. English on request: Write to us!
Course material (German and English): Slides and exercises in ILIAS
Advanced course data research
You need suitable data for your Bachelor's or Master's thesis at the WiSo Faculty and ask yourself the following questions:
- What do you need numbers and statistics for?
- Who offers which data?
- How do you search for data?
Short overview in ILIAS
- Sorry, no dates are currently offered. The course is being revised.
Do you need help? Please get in touch: lica-data(at)wiso.uni-koeln.de
Compact course in scientific work
You are studying at the WiSo Faculty, are about to write your Bachelor's or Master's thesis and are asking yourself the following questions:
- What do I have to pay attention to when reading the literature?
- What do I have to pay attention to when writing the paper?
- What do I have to pay attention to when giving the presentation?
- English courses via date inquiry
- Friday, 09.05.2025, 9:30 a.m. (German)
- Friday, 01.08.2024, 9:30 a.m. (German)
You are interested in a course in English? Then write to us: lica-data(at)wiso.uni-koeln.de or make a date inquiry using the course registration form
Course registration & date inquiry
Duration: 2 hours
Location: online via Zoom
Language: German. English on request: Write to us!
Course material (German and English): Slides and exercises in ILIAS
Basic course research with gAI (ChatGPT & Co)
In this course, we will test various AI tools and prompting strategies together to discuss their possibilities and limitations in literature research. You will learn:
- What is generative AI (gAI)?
- What are the current guidelines at the University of Cologne?
- What are the challenges of using generative AI?
- How can I use generative AI in literature research?
Find out how generative AI can support and facilitate literature research (and your everyday learning and working life).
- English courses via date inquiry
You are interested in a course in English? Then write to us: lica-data(at)wiso.uni-koeln.de or make a date inquiry using the course registration form
Course registration & date inquiry
Duration: 90 minutes
Location: online via Zoom
Language: German. English on request: Write to us!
Course material (German): Slides and exercises in ILIAS
Tip: Freiburg University Library has tested a number of AI tools that can make studying easier and presents its favourites on its website under Artificial Intelligence in Studying.
Customised research advice
You have specific questions about the economics literature search, e.g.:
- What are the research tools relevant to my topic?
- Which search strategies and techniques can I use?
- How do I conduct a (thematic) search in catalogues and economic-scientific databases?
- How can I obtain books and articles that are not available in Cologne quickly and cheaply?
We advise you individually.
This offer is exclusively for students of the WiSo Faculty of the University of Cologne.
- Tuesday, 18.03.2025, 02:00 p.m. (English/German)
- Thursday, 03.04.2025, 04:00 p.m. (English/German)
- New dates 2nd quarter 2025 or on request
None of the dates suit you or are all dates fully booked? Send us your preferred date to: lica-data(at)wiso.uni-koeln.de or make a date inquiry using the course registration form
Course registration & date inquiry
Duration: 60 minutes
Location: online via Zoom
Language: German or English
More courses and events
- Universitäts- und Stadtbibliothek Köln (USB)
- Library for Computer Science and Information Systems and the RRZK
- Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK)