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Final Grade Report

The Examination Office issues a final grade report for graduates. It is issued at the earliest after the deadline for submission of examination results for the corresponding examination ceremony and is then issued together with the graduation documents.

In order to provide students with a relative classification of their final grade before the respective individual final grade report can be issued, each graduate receives an overall report of the final grades of the graduates of all master's or bachelor's degree programs of the WiSo Faculty together with their preliminary final grade certificate, marking the borderline of the best 10%, 25% and 50% of the graduates, respectively. This certificate also indicates the number of individuals on which this survey was based.

The grade overviews are prepared in each case for the graduates of a degree program or for the Master's program in Business Administration of a field of study and in each case differentiated according to PO 2015 and PO 2021. Each graduate is assigned to the date of the semi-annual examination ceremony of the Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences depending on the receipt of the evaluation of the last examination required for the successful completion of the study program in the examination office. This assignment is made if this last evaluation is received in the Examinations Office usually up to four weeks before an examination ceremony. Students whose results are received after this time will be assigned to the exam celebration that follows.

Exam results to be considered for the

exam celebration on 18.01.2025

must be received by


in the examination office. Students with a later receipt of the last result can only be considered again for the celebration in the following semester. The corresponding deadlines will then be published here.

The individual final ranking will be attached to the final documents and handed out with them. If you require additional copies afterwards, these must be requested in writing. Please enclose a copy of a valid identification document with this request.


Students are compared in each case with the group of students who - differentiated according to PO 2015 and PO 2021 - graduated in the same degree program or, for the Master's degree program in Business Administration, in the same field of study in a period of two years prior to their own graduation date in accordance with § 27 para. sentence 5 PO.

The graduates receive a grade report which, in addition to their own final grade, contains an overview of the successful graduations in the comparison group from the above-mentioned period. The aggregated final grades (very good 1.0-1.5, good 1.6-2.5, satisfactory 2.6-3.5, sufficient 3.6-4.0) are shown in their absolute, percentage and percentage summed numbers. In another table, the above values are shown analogously for each possible grade step (1.0;1.1;1.2;4.0). The grade level for a student's degree is determined once immediately before the exam to which he or she is assigned and is not changed thereafter.