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Subsequent withdrawal

If you are unable to take an examination organized by the faculty of management for an important reason, we require an application and a doctor's certificate within three working days (including Saturday) of the examination via the WiSo-Inbox service portal (please use your KLIPS/Unikim-Login). A certificate of incapacity for work is not sufficient. The medical certificate can be submitted later if necessary. You can use the following forms for this purpose:

Please note that the forms have to be filled in completely. The student number and the checkboxes for the type of examination you are deemed incapable for are frequently missed. Incomplete applications / certificates may result in delays in processing or rejection of the application. A formless certificate must contain all details from the offical medical certificate form.

The information about an approved subsequent withdrawal can usually be found in KLIPS 2.0 within seven working days after it has been recorded in KLIPS 2 by the examiners or the chair that you did not appear for an examination. Between the entry by the chair and the change by the examination office, you will be shown a ‘5.0 - did not appear’.  No change of assessment/status can be made by the Examinations Office before the entry by the examiners / chair. Therefore, please refrain from enquiring about the processing status, especially at the WiSo Student Service Point. You will only receive a written notification if your request cannot be granted.
A subsequent withdrawal from an examination performance or course participation of the Studium Integrale registered as "not appeared" is not possible. Furthermore it is only possible to withdraw from a complete module, it is not possible to withdraw from  a part of the examination.


Please note the following details:


Type and deadline of application submission

If a person to be examined is unable to attend an examination date for an important reason, the chairperson of the examination board must be notified immediately in writing and proof of this must be provided. Immediate notification and proof in the prescribed form must be provided cumulatively. A declaration of withdrawal submitted no later than the third working day (including Saturdays) after a missed examination date is generally considered to be immediate. If the issuing of the proof of the existence of an important reason (e.g. a medical certificate) is delayed, the application must nevertheless be submitted during this period. In this case, the proof must be submitted subsequently.

This written notification shall only be deemed to have been made without delay if the declaration is submitted in good time in person or by a representative via the service portal or, in exceptional cases, at the WiSo Student Service Point, deposited in its letterbox, posted at the university's post office, sent via the WiSo Student Service Point's contact form or forwarded to the Examinations Office by post. If you hand in your documents by post, the date of the postmark (no postage paid or "Deutsche Post - Handyporto" or similar postmarks) is decisive. Please submit your documents only in ONE of the aforementioned ways.

Please note that submissions of subsequent withdrawals made via a different channel than the service portal may only be processed with a time delay.

If the completion of the required proof (e.g. the medical certificate of a claimed illness or other proof of valid reasons for the subsequent withdrawal from an examination) is delayed, the withdrawal must first be declared in writing without a receipt within three working days (including Saturday) and the certificate must be submitted immediately after its completion. This declaration can also be made informally. There is no obligation to use the form. The decisive factor is not the use of the form, but that the person to be examined immediately provides the necessary information in writing to the Examinations Office and that the medical certificate contains the necessary information from the examining doctor (confirmation that it is a restriction relevant to examination law, information on the form of examination concerned orally/written).

Please point out to the respective doctor that the certificate to be issued must include the above-mentioned information. This is often easiest with the form.  The mere submission of a certificate of incapacity for work, for example, is not sufficient for determining an incapacity for examination. With regard to the time of the medical examination, it should be noted that an acute illness before the start of the examination on the day of the examination may no longer be diagnosed with sufficient certainty in the afternoon of that day or later. Therefore, if you need to visit a doctor's practice outside office hours, please contact the Kassenärztlicher Notdienst (emergency medical service). An overview of the emergency service practices in the district of Nordrhein can be found on the Homepage der Kassenärztlichen Vereinigung.


Examination incapacity

A candidate is incapable of taking an examination for health reasons if his/her performance is so impaired by considerable physical or mental health problems that he/she is unable to demonstrate his/her professional knowledge and skills in a university examination - typically due to an acute, temporary impairment of health. If it is not temporary, it does not justify withdrawal from the examination, because in this case, even if the candidate withdraws and the examination is rescheduled, this does not result in a better situation for the candidate.

Impairment of performance due to exam anxiety or exam stress does not, in principle, lead to a legally relevant incapacity to take the exam; the situation is different if the threshold for a mental illness is exceeded. The ability to control or compensate for examination anxiety is expected in the examination.

Subsequent withdrawal from an examination that has been started or completed is generally also excluded if a candidate was unable to perform an assessable examination performance due to illness. If a student takes the examination or begins the examination in the knowledge of a health impairment, a subsequent withdrawal is no longer possible. In this context, it is one of the duties to cooperate resulting from the examination relationship of a person to be examined to obtain certainty, if necessary before an examination, by consulting a doctor as to whether there is unrestricted examination fitness.

A claim for subsequent withdrawal from an examination that has been started or completed may exist by way of exception if a health impairment was not subjectively recognisable for a candidate before or during the examination or if this did not occur foreseeably for the person to be examined until during the examination. As a rule, however, what is to be regarded as a symptom of mental stress typically associated with examinations (states of exhaustion, increased blood pressure, coated tongue, nausea, stomach complaints, sweating...) must be disregarded. Please note that in this case the certificate to be issued by the doctor must also contain a note (if necessary on the back of the form) as to whether the health impairment was already present before the examination according to the doctor's assessment or whether it was initially unnoticed and only occurred unexpectedly during the examination. In this case, the application to be submitted by you must also contain (if applicable, on the reverse side of the form) a more detailed account of how the symptoms became noticeable.


Approval of a withdrawal

The information about an approved subsequent withdrawal can usually be found in KLIPS 2.0 within seven working days, at the earliest, however, after it has been recorded in KLIPS 2 by the examiners or the chair that you did not appear for an examination. Before that, the examination office cannot make any changes to the assessment. Therefore, please refrain from enquiring about the processing status, especially also at the WiSo Student Service Point. You will only receive a written notification if your request cannot be granted.

A subsequent withdrawal from an examination or course participation of the Studium Integrale registered as "not appeared" is not possible.