Economics and Buisness Track
This track allows students to select Business Administration as a minor. Students will select one of the following options for the project/seminar:
Students will also study the project/seminar relevant specialisation module and two further modules from the area of Economics.
Example Study Plan
The example study plans are only suggestions for courses of study within the standard period of study. We recommend that you follow the plans suggested. Students can and may deviate from this in their individual planning if they wish to do so. In such cases, we recommend that you consult the WiSo Student Service Point beforehand.
Please note that some modules are only offered in the winter or summer semester. This also applies to individual courses within the modules. Please also take note of the further information regarding study plans*.
For some modules, it is also recommended to have successfully completed other modules beforehand. This and further information on possible prerequisites can be found in the module descriptions of the module catalogue.
Economics and Business Track, programme start - winter semester
Example study plan for the Bachelor's in Economics with a specialisation in Economics and Business and a winter semester programme start.
Economics and Business Track, programme start - winter semester including a semester abroad
Example study plan for the Bachelor's in Economics with a specialisation in Economics and Business and a winter semester programme start including a semester abroad.
Economics and Business Track, programme start - summer semester
Example study plan for the Bachelor's in Economics with a specialisation in Economics and Business and a summer semester programme start.
Economics and Business Track, programme start - summer semester including a semester abroad
Example study plan for the Bachelor's in Economics with a specialisation in Economics and Business and a summer semester programme start including a semester abroad.
Summer Semester Study Start - Advanced Module Project Course
Study Plans including a Semester Abroad
Bachelor's Thesis
Further information regarding the individual modules is provided in the module catalogue.
- Relevant information for examination and regulations is provided in the examination regulations.
If you started your studies before 2021, please select the appropriate documents in the document overview.