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Christine Trampusch

Christine Trampusch - Int. Comparative Political Economy and Economic Sociology, Liaison Professor to the MPIfG

Research focuses

Comparative Political Economy: Financialization, Digitalization, Case Study Methods;

Curriculum vitae

•    09/2017-12/2017 Visiting Researcher at the School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
•    Since 2011 Full Professor, University of Cologne (other full professorship offers: Bern, Hannover)
•    10/2016-3/2017 Guest Professor, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
•    Since 2016 Editorial Board Member of the journal European Journal of Political Research
•    Since 2016 Leader of the DFG-Project “Municipalities and their Expectations on Pay- Offs of Swap Deals”
•    Since 2015 Co-Director of the Leading House GOVPET (Governance in Vocational and Professional Vocational Training), St. Gallen, Switzerland
•    2013 and 2015 Visiting Researcher at the Department of Politics, University of Otago, Dunedin (NZL)
•    Since 2011 International Max Planck Research School The Social and Political Constitution of the Economy
•    Since 2011 Editorial Board Member of the journal German Politics
•    Since 2011 Executive Council Member of SASE (Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economic Studies
•    Since 2011 Council for European Studies (CES), Network “Industrial Relations, Skill Formation and Welfare State Policies”
•    2007 - 2011 Assistant Professor for Comparative Politics, University of Bern
•    2006 Habilitation, University of Göttingen
•    2004 Visiting Researcher at the Dutch Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, Den Haag
•    2004 Visiting Researcher at the University of Amsterdam, Institute for Labor Studies
•    2001 - 2007 Researcher, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies
•    2001 Wolfgang-Enke-Price of the Social Science Faculty of the University of Göttingen for the dissertation thesis.
•    2000 Dr. disc. pol., University of Göttingen
•    1998 Visiting Researcher at the London School of Economics
•    1997 - 2001 Doctoral fellowship of the DFG-sponsored graduate group „The Future of the European Social Model”, University of Göttingen
•    1995 - 1997 Research Fellow, Bavarian Employers` Associations, Nürnberg

Selected publications

  • Kemmerling, Michael/Christine Trampusch (2022): Digital Power Resources (DPR): The Political Economy of Structural and Infrastructural Business Power in Digital(ized) Capitalism. In: Socio-economic Review; online first;
  • Trampusch, Christine/Philip Gross (2021). Do Parliaments Have Control over Sovereign Debt Management? In: West European Politics 44(2): 299-326;
  • Mertens, Armin/Trampusch, Christine/Fastenrath, Florian/Rebecca Wangemann (2021): The Political Economy of Local Government Financialization and the Role of Policy Diffusion. In: Regulation & Governance 15(2): 370-387;
  • Trampusch, Christine/Florian Fastenrath (2021): States’ Interests as Limits to the Power of Finance: Regulatory Reforms in Early Local Government Financialization in the US and UK. In: Regulation & Governance 15(2): 245-261;
  • Schwan, Michael/Trampusch, Christine/Fastenrath, Florian (2021): Financialization of, not by the State. Exploring Changes in the Management of Public Debt and Assets across Europe. In: Review of International Political Economy 28(4): 820-842;
  • Trampusch, Christine (2020): Social Partners’ Policy Reactions to Migration in Occupational Labour Markets: The Case of the Swiss Construction Industry. In: European Journal of Industrial Relations 26(2): 157-172;
  • Trampusch, Christine (2019): The Financialization of the State. Government Debt Management Reforms in New Zealand and Ireland. In: Competition & Change 23(1): 3-22;
  • Fastenrath, Florian/Schwan, Michael/Christine Trampusch (2017): Where States and Markets meet: The Financialisation of Sovereign Debt Management. In: New Political Economy 22(3): 273-293;
  • Trampusch, Christine/Bruno Palier (2016): Between X and Y. How Process Tracing Contributes to Opening the Black Box of Causality. In: New Political Economy 21(5): 437-454;
  • The Financialisation of Sovereign Debt: An Institutional Analysis of the Reforms in German Public Debt Management. German Politics 24:2, 2015, 119-136.
  • Agricultural Interests and the Origins of Capitalism. New Political Economy, 19:6, 2014, 918-942, (with Dennis C. Spies).
  • Why Preferences and Institutions Change: A Systematic Process Analysis of Credit Rating in Germany, European Journal of Political Research, 53:2, 2014, 328-344
  • Employers and Collectively Negotiated Occupational Pensions in Sweden, Denmark and Norway: Promoters, Vacillators and Adversaries, European Journal of Industrial Relations 19: 1, 2013, 37-53
  • Institutional Shrinkage: The Deviant Case of Swiss Banking Secrecy. Regulation & Governance 6:2, 2012, 242-259
  • Busemeyer, Marius R./Christine Trampusch (2012): The Political Economy of Collective Skill Formation Systems. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
  • Trampusch, Christine/André Mach (2011): Switzerland in Europe. Continuity and Change in the Swiss Political Economy. London: Routledge.
  • Employers, the State, and the Politics of Institutional Change. Vocational Education and Training in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. European Journal of Political Research 49:4, 2010, 545-573
  • Europeanization and Institutional Change in Vocational Education and Training in Germany and Austria. Governance 22:3, 2009, 369-395
  • Trampusch, Christine (2009): Der erschöpfte Sozialstaat. Transformation eines Politikfeldes. Frankfurt am Main: Campus.
  • Industrial Relations and Welfare States: The Different Dynamics of Retrenchment in the Netherlands and Germany. Journal of European Social Policy 16: 2, 2006, 121–133
  • From Interest Groups to Parties: The Change in the Career Patterns of the Legislative Elite in German Social Policy, German Politics 14:1, 2005, 14–32.