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MLP Excel Seminar

As soon as the table opens, you have question marks in your eyes? Then please come this way!

As soon as the table opens, you have question marks in your eyes? Then please come this way!

Even in your studies, the confident use of Microsoft Excel is an advantage - in your professional life, however, it is definitely a prerequisite. In this workshop, you will learn the most important functions using practical case studies and find out which tips and tricks will help you in your work.



You will learn:

  • know elementary functions, such as formatting and graphical representation
  • how to format and prepare a data set
  • how to display calculations graphically
  • know concrete application possibilities, such as Devaluation of money and compound interest

When: March 31st, 2022
Time: 09:00 am -11:00 am 
Where: Via Zoom - The link will be sent in time!
Please register via the registration form below.

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