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A working world that is oriented towards individual well-being

An interview with WiSo alumna Beatrix von Rantzau.

Beatrix von Rantzau leaning against a rubble stone wall in front of a gate

In conversation, it quickly becomes clear that WiSo alumna Beatrix von Rantzau succeeds in reconciling social, personal and economic dimensions in her work. This may be due not least to her unusual perspective, influenced by her studies (Economics and Social Sciences).

Because, according to Beatrix von Rantzau: "What I have taken with me from economics into the working world is the perspective of paying attention to inefficiencies and doing something about them if possible.” For Beatrix von Rantzau, supporting companies and employees in better balancing work and private life and thus create win-win situations is only a small step. As a trainer at pme Familienservice GmbH, she offers moderation, impulse lectures and team workshops on topics related to communication and a working environment that is geared towards individual well-being.

What this means in concrete terms and how Beatrix von Rantzau, whose transition into professional practice was "probably classic", is helping to break down classic role distributions, can be read in our latest WiSoAlumni interview.

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