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Apart from pens, rulers and calculators, for the function of which each candidate is responsible, as well as in individual examination subjects the aids permitted by announcement, nothing may be brought into the examination room. This also applies to non-written paper, written or printed notes, books, notebooks, pocket diaries and the like. If a calculator is not permitted in an examination, this will also be expressly announced.

Auxiliaries may only be used if they are expressly approved by the examiner or the examination board. An overview of the aids approved by the examination board can be found below. Any regulations that deviate from this will either also be announced there or on the examiner's website.

An attempt to deceive already exists if unauthorised aids are found in the vicinity of an examination candidate during an examination. It does not matter whether the aid was actually used in the examination or whether it was helpful for the specific examination task. The only decisive factor is whether the non-permitted aid could potentially have been helpful for the examination.

The respective examination candidate is responsible for ensuring that no unauthorised aids are in his or her vicinity during the examination or that no unauthorised recordings are found in authorised aids (e.g. legal texts). This also applies if the examination candidate has borrowed these aids from another person for the respective examination.

Unless other regulations are expressly announced for the respective examination, the use of any electronic aids suitable for data storage or communication (e.g. mobile phones, smartwatches) inside or outside the examination room is not permitted, with the exception of the permitted calculators. An attempt to cheat is already deemed to have been made if an examination candidate carries such an electronic device with him or her or places it within reach. It does not matter whether the device is switched on or not.

It is strongly recommended not to bring such electronic aids into the examination room. An attempt at cheating will not be assumed if the switched-off device is placed out of reach, e.g. together with bags and items of clothing, before the examination begins.

Make sure that the device (especially mobile phones) is switched off so that it cannot emit any sounds. These devices cannot be handed in to the supervisor for safekeeping. Carrying such an electronic device outside the examination room while working on the examination (going to the toilet) is a serious act of deception. Speaking and attempts to communicate with other examination participants during the examination are also considered attempted cheating. The same applies if a candidate provides inadmissible assistance to another candidate or disturbs the course of the examination.

Attempts at cheating are sanctioned according to § 24 Examination Regulations. According to this, the following sanctions are possible: warning, the respective examination administration is declared failed or deficient or the examination candidate is excluded from taking further examinations, whereby the examination entitlement in the degree programme expires. In addition, administrative offence proceedings may be initiated in which an administrative fine of up to 50,000 euros may be imposed. Additional examination attempts according to § 20 Para. 1 PO can only be granted for a module examination if none of the first three examination attempts in the module in question were failed due to deception or a breach of regulations according to § 24.


The examiners regulate for their respective examinations whether pocket calculators are permitted. If no separate regulations have been announced, the examiners assume that each candidate has a scientific calculator with the usual mathematical functions (basic arithmetic operations, percentage, squaring and square root automatic, power function as well as logarithmic and trigonometric functions) when setting the examination tasks. Everyone is responsible for the functionality of their own scientific calculator.

Calculators that allow the storage of texts are not permitted. This excludes all calculators that do not have the full alphabet on the keyboard. Furthermore, CAS calculators are not permitted. In cases of doubt, a candidate must make the calculator available for examination by the examination board at the request of the invigilator after the examination. A list of permitted devices is published on the

on the Internet pages of the Joint Examination Office. The list is constantly updated and handed out to the invigilators. If there are any doubts regarding devices that are not yet approved, the above-mentioned web page will provide appropriate information for a possible check.

The use of non-permitted devices constitutes an attempt at cheating, which will be punished in accordance with the examination regulations.


The use of dictionaries is prohibited in all examinations of the faculty. Thus, among other things, the use of dictionaries is also not permitted in English-language examinations.

Notwithstanding this, examination candidates who do not have a German higher education entrance qualification may use foreign-language German dictionaries for the Bachelor examinations upon request. Specialist dictionaries are excluded. The dictionaries may not contain any handwritten entries.

The examination candidate must submit an informal application to the Examination Office no later than three weeks before his or her first examination. If one of the statuses Allgemeine Hochschulreife/Schule im Ausland, Fachgebundene Hochschulreife/Studienkolleg, Fachgebundene Hochschulreife/Schule im Ausland or Fachhochschulreife/Schule im Ausland is noted in the campus management system (KLIPS) under "Studienzulassung gemäß" (admission to studies according to), the submission of an additional document is not necessary. Otherwise, a copy of the university entrance qualification (e.g. DSH certificate) must be attached to the application.

If all criteria are fulfilled, the student will receive a written notification which must be brought to the examination rooms so that the invigilator can determine eligibility. If the notice cannot be presented, there is no authorization to use dictionaries. If a dictionary is nevertheless used in the examination, the examination will be graded as "deficient" (5.0) or failed because of an attempt to cheat due to the use of an unauthorized aid.

Special regulations for specific examinations


  • Basismodul Bürgerliches Recht und Wirtschaftsrecht

  • EM Recht für Volkswirte

  • Ergänzungsmodul Gesundheitsrecht

All text collections from the book trade including loose-leaf collections and bound text editions with introduction (no copies!) are permitted. When setting the examination tasks, the examiners assume that each examinee in the examination room has the relevant law texts with the current legal status. Outdated legal texts are used at the examiner's own risk.

Underlining, coloured markings and paragraph references in the text collections are permitted. Other handwritten entries - letters and words - as well as other additions, the insertion of pages, etc. are not permitted. Coloured adhesive strips for quicker location of certain paragraphs are permissible as long as they do not contain letters and words. Lettering with paragraphs is permissible. Thus, for example, the note "Section 9 (1) sentence 2 HGB" is permissible. On the other hand, a note such as "Section 9 (1) sentence 2 HGB information and communication system" or such as "Section 9 (1) sentence 2 HGB I and K" is not permissible.

The law texts are checked in the examination room for entries or additions by the supervisor. The use of a text collection with inadmissible entries or additions is sanctioned according to § 24 PO. In this context, it is irrelevant whether the objectionable entry or addition relates to the specific examination task or not. A candidate must accept the consequences of inadmissible entries or additions even if they were not made by him/herself - for example, in the case of a borrowed text collection.

Other aids such as calculators etc. are not required in the examination and are not permitted.


  • Ergänzungsmodul Gesundheitsrecht

Für die Klausur im Ergänzungsmodul Gesundheitsrecht sind die folgenden beiden Hilfsmittelvarianten unter Einhaltung der folgenden Vorgaben zulässig. Beide Hilfsmittelvarianten können von den Prüflingen im Rahmen der Klausur verwendet werden.

1)    Ausdrucke von Gesetzen und Rechtsverordnungen aus dem Internet:

  • Für Gesetze und Rechtsverordnungen auf NRW-Landesebene sind die PDF-Druckversionen auf der Internetseite RECHT.NRW.DE ( zulässig.  

  • Für Gesetze und Rechtsverordnungen auf Bundesebene sind die PDF-Druckversionen auf der Internetseite von dem Bundesministerium für Justiz ( zulässig.

Texte zu Gesetzen und Rechtsverordnungen aus dem Internet können vollständig oder auszugsweise als Ausdruck in der zulässigen PDF-Druckversion mitgebracht werden.

2)    Zulässig sind alle Textsammlungen aus dem Buchhandel einschließlich Loseblatt-Sammlungen und gebundener Textausgaben mit Einleitung (keine Kopien!).

Allgemeine Vorgaben zu den beiden Hilfsmittelvarianten:
Die Prüfer bzw. Prüferin gehen bei der Stellung der Klausuraufgaben davon aus, dass jede zu prüfende Person im Klausurraum über die einschlägigen Gesetzestexte mit aktuellem Rechtsstand verfügt. Veraltete Gesetzestexte werden auf eigene Gefahr benutzt.
Zulässig sind Unterstreichungen, farbige Markierungen und Paragraphenverweise in den Textsammlungen. Andere handschriftliche Eintragungen - Buchstaben und Wörter - sowie sonstige Ergänzungen, das Einfügen von Seiten u.ä. sind unzulässig. Farbige Klebestreifen zur schnelleren Auffindung bestimmter Paragraphen sind zulässig, solange diese keine Buchstaben und Wörter enthalten. Eine Beschriftung der Klebestreifen mit Paragraphen ist unzulässig.
Die Gesetzestexte werden im Klausurraum auf Eintragungen oder Ergänzungen von der Aufsicht kontrolliert.
Die Verwendung einer mit unzulässigen Eintragungen oder Ergänzungen versehenen Textsammlung wird nach § 24 PO sanktioniert. Es spielt in diesem Zusammenhang keine Rolle, ob sich die beanstandete Eintragung oder Ergänzung auf die konkrete Klausuraufgabe bezieht oder nicht. Eine zu prüfende Person muss sich die Folgen unzulässiger Eintragungen oder Ergänzungen auch dann zurechnen lassen, wenn diese - beispielsweise bei einer entliehenen Textsammlung - nicht von ihr oder ihm selbst vorgenommen wurden.
Anderweitige Hilfsmittel wie Taschenrechner etc. werden in der Klausur nicht benötigt und sind unzulässig.


  • Basismodul Statistik

  • Aufbaumodul Statistik und Ökonometrie

In both subject examinations, the use of the following own formulary - not provided by the Examinations Office - is generally permitted until further notice: E. Bomsdorf, E. Gröhn, K. Mosler and F. Schmid: Definitions, Formulas and Tables for Statistics.

In both examinations - as in all examinations - the use of a scientific calculator is permitted. When setting the examination tasks, the examiners assume that each candidate in the examination room has the aforementioned aids at his/her disposal.

Entries and markings of any kind may be made in the above-mentioned formulary. However, no additional pages with entries may be inserted or glued in; such additions are considered to be an act of deception with the resulting legal consequences. The formularies will be checked in the examination room by the supervisor with regard to their admissibility and possible additions. The use of an unauthorised formulary or the use of a formulary with unauthorised additions is sanctioned according to § 24 PO. In this context, it does not matter whether the additions on the pages inserted into the formulary refer to the specific examination task or not. An examinee must accept the consequences of inadmissible additions to the formulary even if these additions - for example, in the case of a borrowed formulary - were not made by him/herself.

  • Basismodul Mathematics (Master)

The regulations for aids for the subject examination Basic Module Mathematics (Business Information Systems) can be found in the information provided by the respective examiner.



Each student must bring a handwritten collection of formulas to the examination. The following rules apply: Only one single printout in DIN A4 of the form available in the Ilias course of the lecture is to be used.  Initials and matriculation number must be entered in the specified places on this form. Then the form is to be printed out on a sheet of DIN A4 paper (blank or squared). The printout of the formulary must then be handwritten, i.e. personally written with a pen on paper. Electronic creation of the formulary, e.g. by means of an electronic pen on a tablet and subsequent printing is not permitted. The use of copies of handwritten formularies is also not permitted. The back of the DIN A4 sheet may also be written on accordingly. The content is entirely up to the student. The formulary must be handed in with the examination. If a student does not wish to use a formulary, a DIN A4 printout of the form, labelled with initials and matriculation number and otherwise blank, must be handed in with the examination.