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Freemovers / Non-WiSo exchange


"Freemovers" are students who organise their term abroad themselves, outside of University exchange programmes. Typically, freemovers have to pay tuitions fees at their chosen university. They have the same credit transfer possibilities as students taking part in exchange terms organised by the University, provided that the host university is classed as 'H+' according to the anabin database. ZIB WiSo offers general support for freemover applicants by issuing certificates and advising on issues regarding registration forms; the STAP coordinators can also establish contact with the chosen university abroad.

ZIB WiSo does not, however, support freemover terms at the WiSo Faculty's partner universities.

Freemover applicants can organise their term abroad completely by themselves by downloading the application forms from the website of the chosen university and managing the entire application process independently. Alternatively, various organisations offer fee-based services to manage the application process on students' behalf.

'Non-WiSo exchange stay' organised by Dezernat 9 (International Mobility)

The University of Cologne's Dezernat 9 (International Mobility) is the University's International Office and holds various cross-faculty partnerships which offer terms abroad for students of the University of Cologne. No tuition fees apply. To see the full list of cross-faculty partnerships, please see here. Please contact the Dezernat 9 coordinators for detailed information.