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Erasmus+ & Funding

ERASMUS programme for exchange terms and internships in Europe

Information on the ERASMUS programme for exchange terms and internships in Europe can be found via the following link.

Further funding possibilities for studies abroad, research placements and internships

There are numerous possibilities for students and graduates to apply for financial support through various institutions. A list of recommended links can be found below.

The Central International Office (D9) of the University of Cologne is responsible for awarding scholarships under the DAAD PROMOS scheme; for further information on funding possibilities, please click here.

A number of study and exchange programmes are funded through scholarships administered by ZIB WiSo. To receive financial support, University of Cologne students must be:

  • enrolled at the University of Cologne and
  • German citizens (as a rule)

Information on funding possibilities for international students can be found on the websites of the DAAD and the Central International Office of the University of Cologne (Dezernat 9 - International).

Please note: You can rent out your flat/room to guest students during your stay abroad.

Recommended links

International BAföG (Auslands-BAföG)

Databases for research on scholarships for your studies abroad:

Further scholarship possibilities:

  • The GIZ provides support for internships abroad (typically after successful graduation from the home university).
  • The Carlo Schmid Programme provides support for internships with international organisations and EU institutions.
  • The Haniel Foundation provides support for study visits.
  • The Fulbright Commission awards scholarships and travel assistance for study visits to the USA. For advice and information, please visit the Central International Office of the University (AAA), contact Ms Biehl.
  • The Poland section of the Society for Student Exchange in Central and Eastern Europe (GFPS-Polska) provides support for academic exchanges for students and graduates between Poland and Germany.
  • The German-Czech Future Fund awards scholarships for studies abroad in the Czech Republic.
  • The DAAD's "go east!" campaign provides support for participation in winter or summer schools in Central and Eastern Europe and the CIS States.
  • The Congressional Fellowship Program awards scholarships for graduates in economics. For further information, visit the website of the Center for North American Studies, Frankfurt am Main.
  • The People's Republic of China awards government scholarships, mainly to German PhD students and master degree students with excellent grades, wishing to study or do their PhD at a Chinese university.
  • The Franco-German Youth Office (DFJW) provides support for subject-related placements recognised by the home university as an integral part of the degree. Students from all subject areas can apply for these scholarships.
  • The University of Cologne offers a scholarship ("Auslandsaufenthalt mit Kind(ern)") for students with children who are planning a stay abroad (semester stay, internship, writing their final thesis).