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Nomination info for coordinators

Students of the WiSo Faculty's partner universities need to be nominated by the international office of their home institution for an exchange stay at the WiSo Faculty.

Nomination process

Nominations need to be submitted via the WiSo Exchange Platform (WEX). Please note that our WEX portal is only open for a specified period of time (about 4–5 weeks before the nomination deadline). Coordinators will be notified via email when the nomination period begins and ends.

In order to use the WEX portal, coordinators receive an email with a personalised activation link. If you have not received an activation link, please get in touch with the ZIB WiSo Incomings Team () and ask for your WEX user account to be activated.

The ZIB WiSo Incomings Team will contact the nominated student(s) directly by email after the nomination deadline has passed (with the coordinator copied in) with instructions on how to proceed with their admission and enrolment process.

Please note that the language requirements for incoming students are: CEFR level B2 in English or German, no certificate required. Coordinators will be required to indicate whether their students are 'early leavers' (i.e. fall term October to mid-December, for details please see here > Academic calender ) at the time of nomination.

Early-Leaver Option

Students can only take part in this option due to academic calendar conflicts (not including internships) and if they are nominated by their home university.
To see what courses are ‘Early Leaver’ compatible, refer to the list available under "Downloads" on this page. Along with the ability to finish their term abroad in December, it includes a much higher workload, additional assignments and shorter deadlines. Furthermore, students nominated as early leavers are not eligible for student housing or semester German language courses.

For questions, please refer to your home university and the international coordinators at the ZIB WiSo.

Nomination deadlines
Fall term: 1 May

Spring term: 1 November

The WiSo Faculty's summer schools all have specific deadlines, which can be found on the programmes' respective websites.

Application deadlines (submission of admission document by incoming student)
Once the nomination deadline has passed, students will be informed about application procedures individually via email.

Fall term: June
Spring term: December

Contact Incomings Team

If you face any difficulties during the nomination process, please reach out to our Incomings team via We are very glad to assist you.