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Online Career Tuesday: Get Started – Job Fair 14th May 2024

Get Started - Preparation for Career Fairs and Co.

How do I best prepare for a job fair or other career event to get to know my dream employer?

How can I best prepare myself, how do I deal with nervousness, what should I say at all and what clothing is appropriate?  This Zoom meeting is all about how I can put out feelers to employers at an early stage and present my concerns and skills in the best possible way in an initial interview.

Good preparation is everything and takes away a lot of your possible nervousness. Today you can find out what you should consider before and during the fair. Because good preparation is the key to success!

We will give you valuable tips on do's and don'ts for successful trade fair visits and when talking to company representatives on site and, of course, answer your questions.

When: May 14th, 2024
Time: 5:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m. 
Where: Via Zoom - link follows right after registration
Please register via the registration form below.

Registration to Career Tuesday: Preparation for Career Fairs


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