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Career Tuesday on November 26, 2024

Female Founders Night

Are you interested in starting a business or are you currently thinking about starting one yourself? Then register for the Female Founders Night of the Fempowerment Association e.V. on November 26th from 6 - 8:30 p.m.!

  •     Here you will get to know real power women from the start-up scene who would like to share their experiences and knowledge on the subject of starting a business.
  •     The founders will show you how they turned their ideas into successful companies.
  •     You will learn how they overcame their fears and doubts, the challenges and opportunities they encountered, and how they turned their vision into reality.

This event is the perfect opportunity to network with other women who are interested in the start-up scene, want to start a business themselves or have even already started a business. Afterwards you have the opportunity to ask all your questions and receive valuable advice from different founders.

So, what are you waiting for? Register now and be part of this inspiring event! We would like to encourage you to pursue your dreams of starting a business and turning your passion into a successful business. Let our speakers inspire you and expand your knowledge about the topic of women in the start-up scene.

Our speaker

Heidi Jahn is the co-founder and managing director of VALJUES COSMETICS GmbH, as well as a strong leader in the beauty industry. With academic backgrounds in Media Informatics and English Studies from the University of Cologne, Heidi’s career has spanned several years in the USA, including time in the innovative environment of Silicon Valley, giving her a global outlook that she brings to her business. Her extensive experience in beauty retail, alongside her expertise in PR and brand management, has established her as a skilled professional in building strong customer relationships and successful brands.

Heidi is known for her innovative mindset, consistently identifying and even setting industry trends. Her creativity, fueled by her synesthesia, gives her a unique vision in the cosmetics world. Always in tune with the latest developments, she has a clear focus on the intersection of technology and beauty.

Lisa Nesti hat vor 3 Jahren mit ihrer Schwester und 2 Freunden das Unternehmen The Oater mitgegründet. The Oater steht für eine nachhaltige Hafermilch-Lösung ohne Kompromisse – Frische mit vollem Geschmack und ohne Zusatzstoffe.
Das erste Produkt des Start-ups ist eine Haferdrink Maschine für die Gastronomie, welche vor Ort verpackungsarm frischen Barista Haferdrink hergestellt. Gemeinsam mit ihrer Schwester möchte Lisa in ihrer Rolle als Gründerin mehr Frauen inspirieren und unterstützen, den Schritt in die Gründung zu wagen. Dazu braucht es Austausch und ehrliche Perspektiven. Umso mehr freut sie sich, gemeinsam mit den anderen Gründerinnen bei der Female Founders Night Einblicke in ihre Gründungsreise geben zu dürfen.

Lisa ist Alumna der Uni Köln und hat den CEMS Master und den Bachelor im Media Management an der Universität zu Köln absolviert.


Karen Bartnik is an inspiring leader and a role model for women in business. With over 25 years of experience in leadership positions at globally leading companies in the consumer goods industry (Braun, Gillette, Procter & Gamble, and Coty), Karen has experienced firsthand the challenges and opportunities of working in a male-dominated environment.

Karen is not only an experienced manager in the field of Supply Chain Management but also a passionate advocate for women and talent development. Her career is characterized by a drive for impact, passion, and purpose. Since the beginning of 2022, she has fully dedicated herself to exploring new ways to realize her visions of leadership and empowerment.

As the co-founder of FEMALE FORCE (08/2022-11/2023) and Head of Female Empowerment at INTAO, she is deeply committed to empowering women in leadership positions. In her own consulting practice, she supports individuals under the motto 'Set your Leadership Footprint,' helping them to develop and solidify their unique leadership styles.

Victoria Blechman-Pomogajko immersed herself in the Cologne startup scene more than 12 years ago. After studying business administration, she worked as a product manager at the music streaming service simfy before moving to the startup incubator STARTPLATZ, where she organized and moderated all kinds of events for the startup scene. Your network has grown significantly: Victoria has become an important contact point for founders, talents, companies and investors throughout North Rhine-Westphalia and beyond. In November 2016 she founded the art festival ART@TECH, which she also curates. Since then, she has organized five festival editions and several concerts, providing a platform for artists and musicians who develop and perform technological art. Since the beginning of 2018, Victoria has been planning, organizing and moderating events as a freelancer for various clients, e.g. the VideoDays Festival or the Digital People Summit, and is co-founder of moversxshakers UG.




When: Tuesday, November 26
Time: 06.00 pm - 08.30 pm
Where: Seminarraum 242 
Registration: form below
Language: German


Registration - Female Founder Night

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