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University of Cologne again among the TOP 150 Universities worldwide

UzK Hauptgebäude

Photo: Thomas Josek

The Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings published today shows: The University of Cologne continues to inhabit an excellent position in international comparison. It came in at position 146 out of a total of 1,258 evaluated institutions worldwide. Last year, it came in at position 145. In the national context, the University of Cologne occupies the 16th place among the 47 ranked German universities.

Rector Professor Dr. Axel Freimuth is pleased with the positive result. ‘Last year, the University of Cologne was able to further consolidate its excellent international reputation and its outstanding position among German universities. With its status as a University of Excellence and two Clusters of Excellence, 14 current Collaborative Research Centres, three Alexander von Humboldt Professorships, 11 Leibniz Prize winners and 20 ERC Grants, it is undoubtedly an internationally visible research university.’

As in the previous year, the University of Cologne ranks among the top 20 percent worldwide in the areas of teaching, research and research impact. In terms of knowledge transfer, it even ranks among the top 10 percent. In the area of internationalization, the University improved its position compared to the previous year, now ranging among the top 30 percent.

The Times Higher Education World University Rankings are one of the most influential university rankings, aiming to evaluate universities on the basis of their main tasks of research, teaching, knowledge transfer and internationality. The results are independently assessed in an audit. With 1,258 evaluated universities worldwide, the ranking of 2019 is the most comprehensive THE Ranking ever conducted.

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