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77 annual scholarships for WiSo students.

Bild: Zwei Personen lächeln in die Kamera. Die rechte Person zeigt einen Daumen hoch. Zwischen Ihnen steht ein Hochtisch mit einem Schild darauf "Talente für Innovationen und Wachstum." Das Bild stammt von der Vergabeveranstaltung des Deutschlandstipendiums.

Around 320 scholarship holders, sponsors and university representatives came together at the Get Together 2024 for the Deutschlandstipendium at the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum in Cologne.

Through the Deutschlandstipendium, Cologne students benefit from financial and non-material support. The annual meeting offers the opportunity for productive dialogue and networking. Professor Joybrato Mukherjee also confirmed this in his welcoming address: "For me, it is important that the scholarship programme not only provides financial support but also valuable impetus for everyone involved."

In addition to good A-levels and academic achievements, personal biography and social commitment also play a role in the selection of fellowship holders. In addition to the 257-merit based Deutschlandstipendium scholarships, the University of Cologne currently awards 14 social scholarships and 17 scholarships for students with disabilities or chronic illnesses. This time, 77 scholarships were available to the WiSo Faculty.

After the official programme, the recipients received their certificates from representatives of the six faculties. During and after a small snack, the participants had the opportunity to visit the special exhibition "REVISIONS -Made by the Warlpiri". The programme also included insights into the colonial past and present of the Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum. Scholarship holder Freya Purzer dealt with "Emotions in the debate on the decolonisation of museums" in her master's thesis. Her expertise offered the guests an exciting and in-depth insight.

All scholarships are made possible by committed companies as well as associations, foundations, private individuals, and alumni of the university. More than 150 sponsors and donors are committed to providing young people with a good academic education. Half of the Deutschlandstipendium is financed by public funds and half by private donors. Since 2009, a total of 4,280 scholarships have been supported with almost 15.5 million euros.

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