Good news for the WiSo: Prof Dr Johannes Wohlfart has accepted the appointment to the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne. He will become Professor of Economics from 1 January 2024. He will also become a member of the Cluster of Excellence ECONtribute. We are delighted to have gained a renowned researcher and university lecturer in the field of economics for the WiSo Faculty.
Prof. Dr Johannes Wohlfart's research to date has focused on behavioural economics, behavioural finance and macroeconomics. His research focuses in particular on the formation of economic expectations and the role of expectations in economic decisions. He has already published his research findings in renowned journals such as the Review of Economic Studies, American Economic Review: Insights, Journal of Financial Economics and Journal of Economic Literature. He has been honoured for his research findings with the Reinhard Selten Prize of the Association for Social Policy and the Vernon L. Smith Young Talent Award in Experimental Finance. We look forward to him continuing his successful work at the WiSo Faculty.
After completing his Master's degree in Economics with honours at the University of Oxford, he earned his doctorate at Goethe Universität Frankfurt. This was followed by work as Assistant Professor and finally as Associate Professor at the Department of Economics and the Centre for Economic Behavior and Inequality at the University of Copenhagen. Prof Dr Johannes Wohlfart is also very committed to teaching - he has been teaching Bachelor, Master and PhD courses for several years.
We are delighted to have gained Prof Dr Johannes Wohlfart for the WiSo Faculty and congratulate him on his appointment. A warm welcome!