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STUDENT NEWSLETTER: November 24, 2017

Career Tuesday with BAZAN on November 28, 2017

Dear students,

we would like to invite you to a company presentation by BAZAN on November 28, 2017! Please note that this event is held in German language.

Die BAZAN Managementgesellschaft ist Teil der BAZAN Gruppe, die unter der Dachmarke BAZAN Berater im Gesundheitswesen agiert.
Die   Managementgesellschaft   übernimmt   vor   allem   Aufträge   im   Interimsmanagement   von Einrichtungen     im     Gesundheitswesen:     Krankenhäuser,     Kurklinken,     Rehabilitationskliniken,
Altenpflegeheime, Arztnetze.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

Career Tuesday with Bazan
Dienstag, 28.11.2017 17:45 – 19:15
Hörsaal XXIII

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

Der Career Service hat an dem Abend ein kleines Gewinnspiel für Sie vorbereitet, wo Sie tolle Preise gewinnen können.

Company workshops with EY, Deloitte and Accenture

Dear students,

you can apply for three of our workshops:

1. EY Workshop Grundlagen des Projektmanagements, 15. Dezember 2017, 10 bis– 18 Uhr EY Office Köln (please note that this workshop is held in German language)

Sie interessieren sich für die Managementberatung? Dann nehmen Sie an diesem Workshop teil und erleben Sie, wie Unternehmensberater arbeiten. Ziel des Workshops ist es, die Teilnehmer in die Grundlagen des Themas „Projektmanagement“ einzuführen.

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier

Bewerbungsfristende: 30. November 2017 über die Karrieredatenbank


2. Deloitte Innovation Workshop, 19. Januar 2018, 10 bis 16 Uhr Uni Köln (please note that this workshop is held in German language)

Du möchtest herausfinden, wie und warum kreative Arbeitsweisen bei Deloitte im Bereich Consulting angewandt werden? Dann bewirb Dich für unseren Design-Thinking-Workshop! Bringe Dich bei unserem real-life Case ein und lerne spielerisch in einem lockeren Rahmen von unseren Beratern, wie Design Thinking bei Deloitte funktioniert.

Weitere Informationen gibt es hier

Bewerbungsfristende: 22. Dezember 2017 per Mail an career.consultingSpamProtectiondeloitte.de Betreff "Innovation Workshop"


3. Accenture Design Thinking Academy, 2. Februar 2018, 10 bis 17 Uhr Uni Köln (language: The course will be in English or German depending on the participants)

Digital Transformation brings a lot of possibilities and a lot of speed to our world. The need to be innovate becomes imperative to stay ahead -Businesses are bringing Design Thinking in-house. Design Thinking is the adoption of a design mindset and human-centric design methods to solve problems, frame opportunities and achieve innovation. Design Thinking is particularly useful for problems where human behavior, multi-disciplinary collaboration and creativity are important.

More information can be found here

Application deadline: January 12th 2018 via our career database


First-term students: Don’t forget to complete your enrolment by handing in your bachelor certificate

Dear first-term student,
We would like to remind you to complete your enrolment by handing in your Bachelor certificate at the WiSo Student Service. If you are enrolled without presenting your original bachelor’s certificate at the WiSo Student Service or International Office, your enrolment is just temporary and non-binding. You need to hand in your bachelor’s certificate at the WiSo Student Service until the 31st December 2017, otherwise you will be exmatriculated. Alternatively, you can also send us a certified copy of your bachelor’s certificate via post.
Please note: Students, who obtained their bachelor’s degree at the University of Cologne, can also present the provisional certificate of the examination office (“vorläufige Bescheinigung”). If you obtained your bachelor’s degree abroad and you applied with your bachelor certificate at uni-assist e.V., you do not need to hand in your bachelor certificate again.
You can find all information about contact and opening hours on the WiSo Student Service’s website: https://www.wiso.uni-koeln.de/en/studies/service-and-guidance/wiso-student-service/
Please note that the office will be just open until the 21st December 2017 because of the Christmas holidays.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind regards
WiSo Admission Office and WiSo Student Service

Buddy-Programme for guest students of the WiSo-faculty in spring 2018

Each term, the International Relations Center at the WiSo Faculty (ZIB WiSo) and the PIM and CEMS Student and Alumni Club Cologne e.V. organise a Buddy Programme for guest students from the WiSo Faculty's partner universities. At the beginning of each term, ZIB WiSo looks for students and doctoral candidates interested in mentoring guest students for that term.

Benefits of the Buddy Programme

  • Meet students from all over the world
  • Participate in the "Welcome Days"
  • Participate in a number of exciting, international social events
  • Develop your language skills
  • Demonstrate social commitment during your studies
  • Receive first-hand information about partner universities as optimal preparation for an exchange term

Responsibilities of a buddy

  • Contacting the guest student's landlord prior to their arrival (if requested to do so by the student)
  • Collecting the keys to the flat or organising the hand-over of keys
  • Collecting the guest student from the station/airport (Cologne/Bonn) and seeing them to their accommodation
  • Providing support in dealing with public authorities (registration office, etc.)
  • Where necessary, supporting guest students in other areas at the beginning of their stay

Additional involvement is entirely up to you.

Buddies are assigned on a 'first-come, first-served' basis: the earlier you register, the more likely we can take your preferences into consideration.

Upon request, we will be happy to issue a letter of acknowledgement covering your support, which may turn out to be useful as proof of social commitment for future job applications.

Thank you for being a real 'buddy'!

For more information, please check out our website: http://www.international.wiso.uni-koeln.de/en/international-at-home/buddy-programme/
Contact: Jens Funk: jfunk(at)wiso.uni-koeln.de

Career Options for Political and Social Scientists

Graduates in Political Science at the University of Cologne and practitioners provide insights into career options and their own professional experiences. The event is dedicated to students in the M.A. programme Political Science, but also students in the B.Sc. Social Sciences programme. The fourth session features the following panelists:

  •     Nora Jakob (C3 – Agency for Content Marketing)
  •     Tilo Kmieckowiak (Quintly – Social Media Analysen)

Date and Time: Thursday, 7th December 2017, 5:45 P.M.
Venue: Seminar room of the institute (203/EG/0.06), Gottfried-Keller-Str.6, 50931 Cologne

The event will be held in the German language.
The event is followed by drinks sponsored by the Political Science Institute’s friends’ association.


Student Service
Phone: 0221/470 – 8818
E-Mail: wiso-beratungSpamProtectionuni-koeln.de

Career Service
Phone: 0221/470 – 7479
E-Mail: careerserviceSpamProtectionwiso.uni-koeln.de


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