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Dear students,

With this newsletter, we would like to draw your attention to the WiSo Job Fair (“Fakultätskarrieretag”), the second enrolment period for the courses at the WiSo Faculty and the possibility to get a job or internship.

AND: Happy Women's Day! Today, on 8 March, is International Women's Day. Find out more on the website of the "Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung" (in German): bpb.de.

We would like to draw your attention to the programme of the Female Career Center of the University of Cologne. Seminars and workshops on topics such as salary negotiation, talks, potential analysis and promotion will be offered again: http://bit.ly/2BjlbDQ

Your WiSo Career Service Team 

Application platform for the WiSo Job Fair (“Fakultätskarrieretag”) is now open

Dear students,

on April 18th and 19th 2018 from 10am to 3pm our first WiSo Job Fair (“Fakultätskarrieretag”) of the University of Cologne takes place. On these days, you will have the chance to get in touch with several companies and to visit interesting company lectures.

To gain the maximum benefit, we recommend to register on the online application platform in advance. There, you can create your profile and upload your CV. Afterwards you have access to the company profiles and might receive invitations for an interview with the companies at the Job Fair. The Online application platform can be found here.

Obviously, visiting the WiSo Job Fair („Fakultätskarrieretag“) and using all related services is for free.

Further information can be found here.

We look forward to seeing you!

WiSo Job Fair (“Fakultätskarrieretag”) 
April 18th and 19th 2018 10am to 3pm
Main Building

The second enrolment period has started

We would like you to take note that the second enrolment period has started on March 6, 2018. It takes place until March 21, 2018; the allocation results of the second enrolment period are published on April 4, 2018.

On our website you can find a list with the all the courses that you can register for. 

Best regards,

Looking for an internship or job advertisement?

You are looking for a fantastic internship? Or you are in the last stages of your studies and are interested in a permanent job?

Then take a look at our Website following this link: https://www.wiso.uni-koeln.de/en/corporate/wiso-career-service/working-experience/internship-and-job-postings/ 

You can find a small overview of opportunities regarding the job search there. In the course of this, we want to highlight the portal HIGHERED (a Unique International Top-Schools Network). You can just sign in using your s-mail address and get direct access to a variety of job offers from the most diverse industries. Maybe your dream job is just waiting there?


Student Service
Phone: 0221/470 – 8818
E-Mail: wiso-beratungSpamProtectionuni-koeln.de

Career Service
Phone: 0221/470 – 7479
E-Mail: careerserviceSpamProtectionwiso.uni-koeln.de


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