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STUDENT NEWSLETTER: October 13, 2017

Career Tuesday with McKinsey & Company on October 17th

Liebe Studierende,

die  Unternehmensberatung  McKinsey  &  Company,  Inc.  lädt  alle  Studierenden  der  WiSoFakultät herzlich zu ihrer Unternehmenspräsentation ein. Die Veranstaltung richtet sich an angehende Wirtschafts-und Sozialwissenschaftler(innen), die nach dem  Abschluss  ihrer  Studien  in  einem  ebenso  internationalen  wie  interdisziplinären  Umfeld  tätig werden  wollen  und  sich  für  ein  Praktikum  und/oder  den  Berufseinstieg  in  der  Topmanagement-Beratung interessieren.

Wir freuen uns auf Sie!

Weitere Informationen finden Sie hier.

Career Tuesday mit McKinsey & Company
Dienstag, 17. Oktober 2017, 17:45 – 19:15
Hörsaal XXIII

*Please notice that this event is held in German language

STAP Master main selection round for Fall 2018/19 and Spring 2019

The STAP Master main selection round will open 15 October 2017. Applications will be accepted until 1 December 2017 through the WEX database. Please see the STAP Master Application Manual for more information and make sure to get sufficient proof of English proficiency in time (i.e. Cambridge Certificate (FCE, B2-level) among others).

If you need individual counselling, please feel free to come to our ZIB office during the drop-in advising hours Monday -Thursday, 9 – 12.  

Freemover advising hours in fall 2017

From now the ZIB WiSo drop-in freemover advising hours will be on Tuesdays between 02:00 – 04:00 pm.
Please feel welcome to visit our student assistants Julia Heidinger and Vanessa Heide during the mentioned office hours or contact them by e-mail: wiso-freemoverSpamProtectionuni-koeln.de.
The ZIB WiSo offices are located in the Richard-Strauss-Strasse 1

Study Abroad Fair for Political and Social Sciences Students on October 24th (in German)

The Institute of Political Science in Cooperation with the WiSo-Center for International Relations and the University’s International Office organises an information fair for students interested in spending a semester abroad. The event is especially geared towards students of Political Science (M.A.) and Social Sciences (B.Sc.). In addition to presentations on exchange programmes, partner universities, funding opportunities and application procedures given by the WiSo-ZIB and the International Office, former exchange students will be available for Q&A on their personal experiences abroad.
[NB: Presentations are in German, but we are happy to answer questions in English]

Time: Tuesday, 24 October 2017, 12:00 - 13:30 h
Venue: Seminar room („Hörsaal 2“) of the Institute of Political Science and European Affairs, Gottfried-Keller-Straße 6, 50931 Köln.


Master's or Consulting Career? Invite for the Master Day Business & Economics Cologne

You would like to know how you get into a Master's program at HEC or Bocconi and start your career at McKinsey?

At the Master Day Business & Economics Cologne, you will meet University of Cologne's Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences as well as other prestigious European Business Schools and the leading strategy consultancy in Germany. During one-on-one-interviews with admission managers and recruiters, you can find out more about various Master's and entry-level programs, seek advice about the GMAT exam and get a free CV check.

Meet McKinsey, University of Cologne, Bocconi University, HEC Paris, TU München and many more.

When: Friday, October 27, 11 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Where: Köln Marriott Hotel, next to the main train station (Hauptbahnhof)

Application deadline for the one-on-one-interviews: October 15

More information and free registration: www.efn.me/masterdaykoeln17


Founders’ Night # 34 of the Entrepreneurs Club Cologne

Dear students,

On Monday, October 30th, we hold the Founders’ Night #34 and we invite all of you to be a part of it!

As every month, two interesting speakers will talk about their founding stories and you get the chance to get some first insights into the startup world of Cologne.

Our first speaker is Florian from Ticketrunner. Ticketrunner allows you to set up your own brand ambassador program increase sales and emotional branding for your event.
As former event organizers, the guys from Ticketrunner want to turn event marketing upside down and maximize the potential of events while empowering fans to their favorite events than ever before.

Our second speaker is Oemer from Bynd, the app that bundles all of your social media accounts and displays them in one unified feed. This allows you to stay afloat in today’s sea of notifications and to focus on the relevant information, all while saving you to a lot of your precious time.

After the presentations, you can pitch your own ideas or simply network with your fellow (wannabe-) founders and enjoy a free cold Kölsch from our sponsor Gaffel.

Here’s the link to the facebook event with all relevant information: http://bit.ly/2g2itKK

See you on the 30th,
Your ECC



Germany's largest job fair for students, graduates and young professionals on 23.-24. November 2017 in Cologne Koelnmesse

Der große Absolventenkongress 2017 steht bereits in den Startlöchern: Er findet am 23.-24. November in der Koelnmesse statt. Hierzu möchte ich alle Studierenden, Absolventen und Berufsanfänger herzlich einladen.

Vor Ort warten mehr als 250 Unternehmen, eine Start-up-Zone, Coachings, der Phoenix Contact Robotics Cup, Pitches, kostenlose Bewerbungsbilder und viele weitere Highlights, um Ihre Studierenden und Absolventen perfekt für Ihren Karriereweg zu rüsten.

Alle Infos und die kostenlosen Anmeldung zum Absolventenkongress finden Sie hier: http://bit.ly/UNIKoeln-MachWasDuLiebst



Invitaion by CFR Student Group to the presenation „Waterland Buy & Build Strategie“ by Waterland Private Equity

Dear Students and friends of the CFR Student Group,
You are looking for practical insight into the Private Equity business? Visit us on Monday to the “Waterland Buy & Build Strategy” Presentation by Waterland Private Equity with our Student Group.
Dr. Kristian Klosterkemper will give us an exciting Overview as an Investment Manager and helpful hints for your application. Afterwards, you will have the opportunity to ask your questions during the get-together.
We are looking forward to see you!

  • Where: Room 610a; WiSo-Building; 6th Floor
  • When: 16th October 2017; 19:30h

For further information please visit: facebook.com/cfrstudent and cfr-cologne.de
Best wishes
Your CFR Student Group


case.study.course: set the right path for your career!

Are you interested in Management Consulting? Be part of exciting workshops with McKinsey & Company, A.T. Kearney, Strategy&, Innogy Consulting & Commerz Business Consulting!

The core objective of the student-run case.study.course is to provide you as a student with a competitive environment that enables you to develop your personality and your managerial skills. The
case.study.course has an interdisciplinary approach to develop problem solving abilities, creativity, and soft skills, sometimes using unusual but interesting techniques. With us you can enhance your analytical thinking and presentations skills. You also meet interesting and highly-motivated people and get in touch with the top consulting firms – take the chance now and make the right step towards your consulting career.

When? The application deadline for the next round is October 31st 2017 – afterwards 6 workshops (on Thursday evenings) followed by a nice get-together in a restaurant with the companies.

Interested? The participant number is limited. Please apply via www.casestudycourse.com. For any further questions do not hesitate to contact us.

Visit us on casestudycourse.com
Email: case.study.courseSpamProtectiongooglemail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CaseStudyCourse-170546266384091/?fref=ts

Best regards,

the case.study.course team
Bryan, Johannes, Fabian, Lars, Christian, Cornelius, Linda, Marvin & Razi


Student Service
Phone: 0221/470 – 8818
E-Mail: wiso-beratungSpamProtectionuni-koeln.de

Career Service
Phone: 0221/470 – 7479
E-Mail: careerserviceSpamProtectionwiso.uni-koeln.de


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