May 30: Career Tuesday with the student initiatives
Liebe Studierende,
die studentischen Initiativen der WiSo-Fakultät stellen sich vor!
Praxiserfahrungen durch Studentisches Engagement.
Mit dabei sind: MTP, OFW, Enactus, bdvb, PIM & CEMS Club, Entrepreneurs Club Cologne, oikos Köln e.V. und Aiesec
Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
Career Tuesday mit den studentischen Initiativen
Dienstag, 30.05.2017 16:00 – 18:00
WiSo Schlauch
Liebe Studierende,
im Rahmen der Diversity-Woche veranstaltet der WiSo-Career-Service zusammen mit WiSo-Alumni eine Roundtable Diskussion, für die Sie sich gerne bei uns anmelden können.
Die Round Table Diskussion ist speziell für Studentinnen, Absolventinnen und Berufsanfängerinnen konzipiert.
Schon beim Berufseinstieg bekommen Frauen oft trotz gleicher oder besserer Qualifikation und Noten ein geringeres Gehalt. Woran liegt das? Was kann man dagegen tun?
Wenn Sie mitmachen möchten, füllen Sie bitte das Anmeldeformular aus.
Anmeldeschluss: Freitag, 09. Juni 2017
Please note that this event is held in German language.
Summerschools offered by partner schools of the WiSo Faculty
Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic: 9 – 23 September; application deadline: 22 June 2017, tuition fees will apply; please see here for further information:
University of Otago, New Zealand: 08.01.2018 – 22.02.2018; application deadline: 31 October 2017, tuition fees will apply; please see here for further information:
MTPlenum with Henkel
We are glad to welcome Henkel, the Group behind Persil, Schwarzkopf, Pritt & Co, as guest in our "Plenum" on Tuesday, May 30.
From 7.30 pm in room S21 of the seminar building Dr. Nils Daecke (Corporate Vice President, Digital Marketing International Beauty Care) and Jana Müller (Corporate Recruitment & Employer Branding (HRC)) will present exciting facts about Henkel and provide information on career opportunities.
After the talk you are invited to join the "Afterplenum".
We look forward to seeing you!
Diversity-Week June 19.-23, 2017
Liebe Studierende,
in weniger als einem Monat findet die diesjährige Diversity-Woche "Du machst den Unterschied!" vom 19.-23.6.2017 mit dem Motto "Diskriminierungen abbauen, Chancen aufbauen" statt.
Das Programm finden Sie hier.
Guest lectures: 30 May 2017 Adidas on Germany-based Speed Factories & Mass Customization in the running shoes business // 13 June 2017 BMW on Innovation and Agility in Supply Chains

Dear Students,
Please feel invited to two upcoming guest presentations in our course “Supply Chain Innovation and Project Management” – we are expecting unique insights into innovation in supply chains and current technological transformations. I am looking forward to your numerous participation and interaction with the speakers.
Dr. Tim Lucas, Senior Director Engineering at Adidas, will present Adidas’ ground-breaking speed factory approach in the manufacturing of running shoes: Robotics, automation and 3D-printing enhance efficient approaches to mass-customization that enables production in Germany. Reshoring manufacturing to Germany and labelling customer goods with “Made in Germany” is the new mega-trend.
- When: 30 May 2017, 12:00-13:30
- Where: Alte Botanik 136 “Kleiner Hörsaal” XXXI (136/EG/0.05), Gyrhofstraße 15
Dr. Michael Koziol, Group Leader Industrialization at BMW Group, will be talking about ongoing innovations in the cutting-edge supply chains of BMW group. His discourse will also touch on how supply chain agility will help BMW group to cope with emerging risks, such as those stemming from the now inadvertent “Brexit”.
- When: 13 June 2017, 12:00-13:30
- Where: Alte Botanik 136 “Kleiner Hörsaal” XXXI (136/EG/0.05), Gyrhofstraße 15
Challenge yourself - be part of the World Business Dialogues
You are motivated and want to put your theoretical knowledge into practice? You would like to demonstrate your entrepreneurial skills together with other students? Then join the Dialogue team!
Together we organize among other things the World Business Dialogue - the world's largest international economic congress organized by students. We are looking for you to be part of Sales, Finance, Human Resources, Social Media or the Editorial department!
Why World Business Dialogue? We offer you flexible working hours, cool company-events together with our young and innovative team, a broad alumni network to establish contacts and workshops for the training of your own competences. On top of that it will bring you 6 CP's within the study integrals.
If you are interested or if you have any further questions, please send an email including your CV to Michelle ( and we can arrange an appointment in our office at Barbarossaplatz (Salierring 48 · 50677 Cologne). Check out our Facebook page for more insights into the World Business Dialogue.
We look forward to you!
You can take off your name from the mailing list at any time by following the instructions in the mail or via this list.
Student Service
Phone: 0221/470 – 8818
Career Service
Phone: 0221/470 – 7479