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Detlef Schoder

Portrait Prof. Dr. Detlef Schoder - Department of Information Systems and Information Management
Detlef Schoder - Department of Information Systems and Information Management

Curriculum vitae

Detlef Schoder is Chaired Professor for Information Systems and Information Management and Founding Director of the Cologne Institute for Information Systems (CIIS) at the University of Cologne, Germany. He was appointed reviewer to the German Parliament’s Lower House for e-Commerce issues and was consultant to the European Commission. He is one of three elected academic auditors of the German Research Foundation (DFG), Germany’s biggest science foundation. He was Visiting Scholar at Stanford University, University of California at Berkeley, and MIT where he established research collaboration which still continues. His research interests and project focus are on (http://www.wim.uni-koeln.de/de/forschung/):

  • Digital Transformation and Digital Innovation
  • Artificial Intelligence in Air Cargo Logistics
  • Electronic Commerce in a Connected World
  • Media Mass Customization
  • Social Media Analysis
  • Openess and Open Strategy

Professor Schoder holds Bachelor and Master degrees in Business Administration from the universities of Munich and Passau. He obtained both his PhD and Habilitation (Higher Doctorate) from the University of Freiburg, Germany. He was awarded a grant by the ‘German National Merit Scholarship Foundation’ (‘Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes’). Professor Schoder has worked not only in Germany, but also in the U.S.A., Republic of Kazakhstan, and Japan.

Detlef is one of the University of Cologne‘ most cited scholars. He has written over 200 journal articles, conference papers, and books. His research received multiple national and international awards.

He was granted patents on „Individualized printed newspapers“. His adaption of the world-wide bestselling textbook Management Information Systems by Laudon/Laudon consecutively ranks among the most popular textbooks and was awarded „Textbook of the Year 2017“ by the VHB (the German Academic Association for Business Research).

Detlef Schoder was speaker of the Scientific Commission for Information Systems (WKWI/VHB) from 2007-2009. From 2001-2003 he served as appointed DaimlerChrysler Fund Chair of Electronic Business in the Donors’ Association for the Promotion of Sciences and Humanities in Germany at WHU – Otto Beisheim Graduate School of Management, one of Germany’s foremost business schools. There, he received the "WHU Best Teaching Award SS 2004 - Bester Professor (Ehrenpreis)". In the mid 90’s, he conducted one of Europe’s largest empirical studies on Web-based electronic commerce. He was “Reviewer of the Year” of “zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaft/ Journal of Business Economics” and received the “Innovation Award” by the German Gesellschaft für Informatik (GI). Also, he won the national competition “Multi Media Award” by the German Federal Ministry of Economics.

According to WiWo/Handelsblatt, a prominent German business newspaper, Detlef Schoder  ranks Top150 as one of the strongest researchers in the field of information systems in German-speaking countries.

For more information about his academic and professional background please visit: http://www.wim.uni-koeln.de/

A complete list  of publications please visit: http://www.wim.uni-koeln.de/de/forschung/publikationen/

Selected publications

  1. Tavakoli, A.; Schlagwein, D.; Schoder, D. (2017): Open strategy: Literature review, re-analysis of cases and conceptualisation as a practice, in: Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Volume 26, Issue 3, September 2017, pp.163–184 [BEST PAPER AWARD, JSIS 2017].
  2. Spiegel, Olav; Abbassi, Puja; Zylka, Matthäus; Schlagwein, Daniel; Fischbach, Kai; Schoder, Detlef (2015): Business Model Development, Founders’ Social Capital, and the Success of Early-Stage Internet Startups: A Mixed-Method Study, Information Systems Journal; Volume 26, Issue 5, September 2016, 421–449; https://doi.org/10.1111/isj.12073
  3. Gensler, Sonja; Völckner, Franziska; Egger, Marc; Fischbach, Kai; Schoder, Detlef (2015): Listen to Your Customers: Insights into Brand Image Using Online Consumer-Generated Product Reviews. In: International Journal of Electronic Commerce; 20(1), 2015, pp. 112–141. https://doi.org/10.1080/10864415.2016.1061792
  4. Schoder, D.; Gloor, P.A.; Metaxas, P.T. (2013): Social Media and Collective Intelligence - Ongoing and Future Research Streams. KI - Künstliche Intelligenz. 27 (1), 9-15.
  5. Haenlein, M. / Kaplan, A.M. / Schoder, D. (2006): Valuing the real option of abandoning unprofitable customers when calculating customer lifetime value, in: Journal of Marketing, 70(3), 5-20.

Selected publications (for practitioners)

  1. Schoder, D. (2018): Introduction to the Internet of Things [First Chapter], in: Qusay F Hassan (Ed.): Internet of Things - A to Z: Technologies and Applications, Wiley, ISBN: 978-1-119-45674-2, Jun 2018, 728 pages.
  2. Harrysson M, Schoder D, Tavakoli A (2016) The Evolution of Social Technologies. McKinsey Quarterly, available at: https://www.mckinsey.com/industries/high-tech/our-insights/the-evolution-of-social-technologies.
  3. Schoder, D. (2015): Real-Time Marketing [in German], study on behalf of the German Marketing Association (Deutscher Marketing Verband), July 2015. DMV, Köln und Düsseldorf. http://www.marketingverband.de/der-dmv/studien/real-time-marketing/
  4. Schoder, D.; Talalayevsky, A. (2010 and 2013): The Price Isn’t Right (joint publication MIT Sloan Management Review with Wall Street Journal, “Business Insight”), August 2010, re-print/re-published 2013
  5. Schoder, D. (2007): The Flaw in Customer Lifetime Value, [Forethought] in: Harvard Business Review, 12/2007.