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Marc Fischer

Marc Fischer - Chair for Marketing and Market Research

Research focuses

  • Conceptual and empirical research that demonstrates the marketing impact on bottom-line results and firm value (marketing performance management)
  • Marketing analytics
  • Marketing-mix optimization
  • Brand management
  • Market response models/econometric modeling

Curriculum vitae

  • 2011-current: Professor of Marketing Science and Analytics, University of Cologne

  • 2014-2020: Professor of Marketing, UTS Business School, University of Technology Sydney (senior international faculty)

  • 2015-current: Morrison Faculty Fellow, The Anderson Graduate School of Management at UCLA, Los Angeles

  • 2007-2010: Professor of Marketing and Services, University of Passau

  • 2004-2007: Assistant Professor, Marketing, Christian-Albrechts-University at Kiel

  • 2003-2004: Visiting Scholar, The Anderson Graduate School of Management at UCLA, Los Angeles

  • 2002-2003: Assistant Professor, Marketing, Christian-Albrechts-University at Kiel

  • 2001-2002: Associate Consultant, McKinsey&Company, Berlin

  • 1996-2001: Research Assistant, Marketing, University of Mannheim

Selected publications

Fischer, Marc and Simone Wies (2024), “Accessing the Untapped Brand Leverage Potential: A Strategic Framework from a Capital Market View,” Management Science, forthcoming.

Stäbler, Samuel and Marc Fischer (2020), “When Does Corporate Social Irresponsibility Become News? Evidence from More than 1,000 Brand Transgressions Across Five Countries,” Journal of Marketing, 84 (3), 46-67.

Fischer, Marc (2019), “Managing Advertising Campaigns for New Product Launches: An Application at Mercedes-Benz,” Marketing Science, 38 (2), 343-359.

Edeling, Alexander and Marc Fischer (2016), “Marketing’s Impact on Firm Value – Generalizations from a Meta-analysis,” Journal of Marketing Research, 53 (August), 515-534.

Fischer, Marc, Hyun Shin, and Dominique M. Hanssens (2016), “Brand Performance Volatility from Marketing Spending,” Management Science, 62 (1), 197-215.

Spann, Martin, Marc Fischer, and Gerard J. Tellis (2015), “Skimming or Penetration? Strategic Dynamic Pricing for New Products,” Marketing Science, 34 (2), 235-249.

Fischer, Marc, Sönke Albers, Nils Wagner, and Monika Frie (2011), “Dynamic Marketing Budget Allocation across Countries, Products, and Marketing Activities,” Marketing Science, 30 (4), 568-585.

Fischer, Marc, Franziska Völckner, and Henrik Sattler (2010), “How Important Are Brands? A Cross-category, Cross-country Study,” Journal of Marketing Research, 47 (October), 823-839.

Fischer, Marc and Sönke Albers (2010), “Patient- or Physician-Oriented Marketing: What Drives Primary Demand for Prescription Drugs?,” Journal of Marketing Research, 47 (February), 103-121.

Research awards and honors

2020: Finalist for the 2020 AMA/MSI/H. Paul Root Award, Journal of Marketing

2020: Runner-up for the 2020 Lehmann Award for the best dissertation-based article in Journal of Marketing and Journal of Marketing Research

2017: Finalist for the 2017 Paul E. Green Award, Journal of Marketing Research

2016: Finalist in the 2016 Gary. L. Lilien ISMS-MSI Practice Prize competition for outstanding implementation of marketing science concepts and methods, Marketing Science

2011: Winner of the VHB Best Paper Award 2011 (Highest research honor from German Academic Association for Business Research)

2010: Winner of the 2009-2010 Gary. L. Lilien ISMS-MSI Practice Prize competition for outstanding implementation of marketing science concepts and methods, Marketing Science

2010: Finalist in the 2010 INFORMS Franz Edelman Award competition on achievements in operations research

2004: Winner of the Erich Gutenberg Prize, Award for Leading Emerging Researcher in Business Administration in Germany

Selected services (external)

2022-current: Chair and founding member of the Schmalenbach Working Committee “Marketing Performance Analytics” with top marketing executives

2021-2026: Co-Spokesperson of Consortium BERD@NFDI – NFDI for Business, Economic and Related Data, DFG Grant: EUR 15,000,000 

2019-current: Member of the Advisory Board of Analyx GmbH, Berlin

2012-2016: Member of the Advisory Board of YouGov Deutschland AG, Cologne

2011-current: Founding member of the Advisory Council of the Marketing Accountability Standards Board (MASB), Chicago

Selected services (internal)

2022-current: Member of the Rector’s Advisory Commission on “Bonus and Incentive System”, University of Cologne

2021-2023: Elected member of the Faculty Commission (‘Engere Fakultät’), Faculty of Management, Economics, and Social Sciences

2021-2023: Member of the Dean’s advisory council, Faculty of Management, Economics, and Social Sciences

2021-2023: Area speaker, Marketing Area

2020-current: Co-leader of Key Research Initiative “Analytics and Transformation”

2017-current: CEMS Academic Director and program director, Master in International Management: CEMS network is a global alliance of 34 leading business schools in 33 countries, 74 multinational corporations, and 7 social partners, which together offer the CEMS Master’s in International Management (consistently ranked among Top 3 of international masters programs by Financial Times)

2017-2019: Elected member of the Faculty Commission (‘Engere Fakultät’), Faculty of Management, Economics, and Social Sciences

2017-2019: Member of the Dean’s advisory council, Faculty of Management, Economics, and Social Sciences

2017-2019: Area speaker, Marketing Area

2013-2016: Speaker of UoC Forum Research Initiative “Value Creation in a Changing Customer and Media Environment”, funded by the German Excellence Initiative