Daniel Wiesen
Research focuses
Health Economics, Behavioral and Experimental Economics, Incentives, Physician Behavior
Curriculum vitae
- 2014 - 2018 University of Oslo, Norway, Institute of Health and Society, Department of Health Management and Health Economics, Researcher (20%)
- 2017 Boston University, USA, Department of Economics, Visiting Researcher
- Since 2015 Associate Professor in Behavioral Service Management, University of Cologne
- Since 2014 Visiting researcher, Department of Health Management and Health Economics, University of Oslo
- 2013 - 2015 Postdoctoral researcher (Akademischer Rat a.Z.), Department of Personnel Economics and Human Resource Management, University of Cologne
- 2011 - 2013 Consultant, Simon-Kucher & Partners, Strategy and Marketing Consultancy
- 2011 Ph.D. in Economics, Thesis title: „Four Contributions to Experimental Economics“ supervised by Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Reinhard Selten
- 2010 Research stay at London School of Economics and Political Science, LSE Health
- 2006 Master in Economics (Dipl. Volkswirt), University of Bonn and National University of Singapore
Selected publications
The effect of expert feedback on antibiotics provision in pediatrics: Experimental evidence (with Kerstin Eilermann, Katrin Halstenberg, Kyriakos Martakis, Bernhard Roth, and Ludwig Kuntz), Medical Decision Making, forthcoming.
Dishonesty in Healthcare Practice: A Behavioral Experiment on Upcoding in Neonatology (with Hendrik Jürges and Heike Hennig-Schmidt), Health Economics, 2019, 28, 319-338.
Behavioral Experiments in Health: An Introduction (with Matteo M. Galizzi), Health Economics, 2017, 26, 3–5.
The Effects of Introducing Mixed Payment Systems for Physicians: Experimental Evidence (with Jeannette Brosig-Koch, Heike Hennig-Schmidt, and Nadja Kairies-Schwarz), Health Economics, 2017, 26, 243–262.
Joint Measurement of Risk Aversion, Prudence, and Temperance, (with Sebastian Ebert), Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, 48, 231-252, 2014.
Other-regarding Behavior and Motivation in Health Care Provision: An Experiment with Medical and Non-medical Students, with Heike Hennig-Schmidt, Social Science & Medicine, 108, 156-165, 2014.
Profit or Patients' Health Benefit? Exploring the Heterogeneity in Physician Altruism (with Geir Godager), Journal of Health Economics, 32, 1105-1116, 2013.
Profit or Patients' Health Benefit? Exploring the Heterogeneity in Physician Altruism, with Geir Godager, Journal of Health Economics, 32, 1105-1116, 2013.
Testing for Prudence and Skewness Seeking, with Sebastian Ebert), Management Science, 57, 1334-1349, 2011.
How Payment Systems Affect Physicians' Provision Behavior: An Experimental Investigation (with Heike Hennig-Schmidt and Reinhard Selten), Journal of Health Economics, 30, 637-646, 2011.
- Using artefactual field and lab experiments to investigate how fee-for-service and capitation affect medical service provision, with Jeannette Brosig-Koch, Heike Hennig-Schmidt, and Kairies-Schwarz, forthcoming, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization.
- Testing for Prudence and Skewness Seeking, with Sebastian Ebert, Management Science, 57, 1334-1349, 2011.
- How Payment Systems Affect Physicians' Provision Behavior: An Experimental Investigation, with Heike Hennig-Schmidt and Reinhard Selten, Journal of Health Economics, 30, 637-646, 2011.