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WiSo achieves top results in the Wirtschaftswoche ranking

Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences remains among the Top10.

Eine junge Frau mit einem Laptop in der Hand. Sie hat einen grün weiß gesteiften Pullover an und braune Haare. Sie schaut lächeln nach oben. Der Hintergrund ist in grün hinterlegt. Man sieht Personen und einen Teil eines Gebäudes von innen.

The Wirtschaftswoche ranking was published yesterday. One thing is certain: The results of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne are impressive. Cologne graduates are rated highly by employers throughout Germany.

The following WiSo degree programmes have proven to be particularly successful and popular with employers: Information Systems, Business Administration and Economics. In these three subject areas, the WiSo remains in the Top10 and can therefore count itself among the best-listed universities in Germany.

Among information systems students, the university ranks 4th and thus achieves the best result of all non-technical universities. The list is topped by TU Munich, TU Darmstadt and TU Dresden.

The business administration and economics departments have now been consistently in the Top10 for more than 10 years. The UoC is ranked 7th in the business administration, while it is ranked 5th place in economics with 15.5 %.

About the ranking:

Wirtschaftswoche publishes an annual ranking to find out at which universities and universities of applied sciences HR managers prefer to recruit their young talent. This year's ranking was carried out by employer branding consultancy Universum between February and March 2024, surveying approx. 500 HR managers from companies with ten to more than 1,000 employees.


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