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The talent factory of the DAX companies

22 DAX Executive Board members graduated from the University of Cologne

A red carpet on a staircase leading upwards

Anyone who wants to become a board member of a DAX, MDAX or SDAX company should study at the WiSo. This shows a recent analysis by the Stuttgart-based management consultancy Horváth which recently analysed the educational backgrounds of more than 500 German board members of DAX, MDAX, and SDAX companies. This study provides valuable insights into the academic qualifications of these influential business leaders. Result: No German university has graduated so many board members from the Dax, MDax and SDax as the University of Cologne.

Comparing the findings with last year's data, the UoC continues to maintain its leadership position, with 22 (last year: 20) board members graduating from this institution. Not surprisingly, of the University of Cologne graduates, 17 studied at the WiSo Faculty.

Timotheus Höttges, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Deutsche Telekom AG, recalls his studies at WiSo: "You are not here to accumulate knowledge, but to learn how to think." This sentence from my first lecture at the University of Cologne has left its mark on me to this day. During my studies, I learned the fact-based and analytical approach that still helps me today to solve strategic and abstract issues with the necessary depth of detail.

Lutz Meschke, Deputy Chairman of the Executive Board and Member of the Executive Board, Finance and IT of Porsche AG, gives advice to our students and alumni: "Remember that the best managers are not only experts in their fields, but also have strong personalities. Above all, you have to be able to take people with you. As a manager, I have to be able to motivate, moderate and integrate, as well as act empathetically. A good boss builds a strong team by finding the ideal mix of different skills and characters. My advice for your career and professional development is to always show your personality. Don't pretend to be someone that you’re not. Stand up for what you believe in, even when there's resistance. At some point, you’ll be recognized as someone who can withstand the storm. And as soon as a position opens up, the leaders will remember you."

Lars von Lackum, CEO LEG Immobilien SE, recalls his university experience: "Studying at the WiSo Faculty was an all-round successful phase of my life that shaped me holistically as a person. This time paved the way for my professional life because I was able to develop the foundations for my professional development. Even today, I remember with great enthusiasm Prof. Harald Schaumburg's lecture on international tax law, which took place on Wednesday evenings and was attended by no more than ten students on average. Creatively dealing with difficult facts in national tax laws that are not stringently logical could certainly not be learned anywhere better than in these two hours. Great moments of my education!"

Dr Stefan Schulte, Chairman of the Executive Board of Fraport AG, reflects on his time at the university: "The University of Cologne is one of the top universities - not only because of its very good academic education. I really appreciated the lots of practical references in the seminars and was able to use them again and again."

Henning Gieseke, Chief Financial Officer of Ströer Management SE, emphasizes the value of his studies at WiSo: "I am proud to be an alumnus of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne, where I studied business administration. The knowledge, skills and experience I gained during my time there have been invaluable to my professional career. I recommend studying at the WiSo Faculty to anyone seeking a comprehensive education and a solid foundation for a successful career in the business world."

Dr Dirk Schmelzer, Chief Financial Officer of Scout24 Group: "Studying economics helped me develop intellectual structures and analytical skills - and sharpened my focus on the essentials. In Cologne in particular, it was the quality of the teachers, the economic policy, financial and later in the main course the microeconomic and energy management topics that shaped me. The university's reputation and network made it easier for me to start my career. The fact that I received the basic skills I need for my job from demanding teachers at a renowned university still helps me today."

To obtain the study results strategy consultant Oliver Greiner and his team analysed the CVs of 700 German board members according to the location of their high educational qualifications. Of the 514 board members for whom information was available, 22 graduated from the University of Cologne. Following, RWTH Aachen takes the second place with 17 graduates, while the University of Münster claimed the third position with 15 graduates. The University of Mannheim and TU Munich were next on the list, having 14 and 13 graduates, respectively.

Dr Oliver Greiner, head of the study, comments on the position of University of Cologne by saying the following: "The high quality of teaching plays a decisive role in this. Because the university has a very good reputation, many students choose this university."

The graduates of the WiSo faculty among the DAX, MDAX, SDAX board members:

- More on „Horváth-Studie 2023 zu Top-Kaderschmieden deutscher DAX-Vorstände“ (

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