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Significant research #Wisoimpact

Downloads and citations once again confirm the relevance of the WiSo faculty's marketing research.

Eine Hand, die auf einer Tastatur tippt. Gabel und ein Teil des Bildschirms des Pcs zu sehen.

Good news for the WiSo Faculty: Four of the 25 most downloaded articles of the renowned International Journal of Research in Marketing in the last 90-day period came from WiSo researchers (Rank 1, 2, 4 & 12). Among the most cited articles of the last three years, two (2nd and 7th place) come from the WiSo faculty. This speaks for the actuality of the faculty's academic marketing research and the high relevance of the topics studied specifically in the Marketing Area of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences at the University of Cologne. Congratulations to Werner Reinartz, Julian R.K. Wichmann, Zeynep Karagür and Martin P. Fritze!

The International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM) is an international, double-blind, peer-reviewed journal for marketing academics and practitioners. We are pleased to see the focus on the outstanding research of our academics and feel further encouraged to continue on our path, as we have set out in our Strategic Development Plan.


WiSo papers among the 25 most downloaded articles worldwide*:

1. Werner Reinartz, Nico Wiegand, Monika Imschloss (2019) “The impact of digital transformation on the retailing value chain” Volume 36 (3), Pages 350-366.

2. Julian R. K. Wichmann, Abhinav Uppal, Amalesh Sharma, Marnik G. Dekimpe (2022) “A global perspective on the marketing mix across time and space” Volume 39 (2), Pages 502-521.


4. Praveen K. Kopalle, Manish Gangwar, Andreas Kaplan, Divya Ramachandran, Werner Reinartz, Aric Rindfleisch (2022) “Examining artificial intelligence (AI) technologies in marketing via a global lens: Current trends and future research opportunities” Volume 39 (2), Pages 522-540.


12. Zeynep Karagür, Jan-Michael Becker, Kristina Klein, Alexander Edeling (2022) “How, why, and when disclosure type matters for influencer marketing” Volume 39 (2), Pages 313-335.

The most cited WiSo papers:

2. Werner Reinartz, Nico Wiegand, Monika Imschloss (2019) „The impact of digital transformation on the retailing value chain” Volume 36 (3), Pages 350-366.


7. Andreas B. Eisingerich, André Marchand, Martin P. Fritze, Lin Dong (2019) “Hook vs. hope: How to enhance customer engagement through gamification” Volume 36 (2), Pages 200-215.

*(Source: , Download Article, Access on 22.09.2022)

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