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New honorary professor in the field of Value-Based Management

Long-standing lecturer Muhammed Altuntas honoured.

WiSo Prof. Dr. Altuntas mit WiSo Dekan Thonemann. Beide schütteln sich die Hand bei der Überreichung der Honorarprofessur an Prof. Dr. Altuntas.

Since 31 January. 2024, we are delighted to welcome Muhammed Altuntas as a new honorary professor to the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Cologne. We are looking forward to an enormous enrichment for our faculty and students through his "extensive expertise and experience in the insurance industry, especially in the areas of strategic management and digital transformation", as WiSo Dean Ulrich Thonemann emphasised, when presenting the certificate of appointment. Muhammed Altuntas has been a lecturer in value-based management in insurance at the Department of Risk Management and Insurance of the WiSo-faculty for several years.

Prof. Dr Altuntas studied in Istanbul (abroad programme), Cologne and had research stays at the University of Georgia (USA) and University of Iowa (USA), among other places. He completed his doctorate in Cologne in 2011 on the topic: "Market Entry and Enterprise Risk Management - Three Essays on Financial Services Firms".

With Capital Structure, Digitisation, Market Discipline, Corporate Finance, Insurance Markets and Regulation, Insurer Operations, Competitive Strategies of Insurance Companies, Enterprise Risk Management and Islamic Finance, his research interests are very diverse and demonstrate his ability to think outside the proverbial box.

We are delighted to be able to honour such a broadly interested and committed researcher with the honorary professorship. With this in mind a warm “welcome” to Prof. Altuntas at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences!

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