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Information about the Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2)

WiSo-Faculty and University of Cologne

viruses on a green background

Understandably the situation regarding the distribution of the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) still leads to uncertainty. On the part of the University of Cologne, the Rectorate provides continuous information on current measures and advice. The information page is constantly updated.

The WiSo Faculty is in close contact with the university management in order to protect the health of our students, lecturers and staff. Information from the Faculty is collected centrally at this point.
The employees will be continously informed about the corresponding regulations.

Examinations, final papers, inspections

The WiSo Examination Office has published all relevant regulations and information on its website, including (among others) information on catch-up dates, exceptions and theses, as well as binding information with regard to inspections.


Detailed information about the individual courses can be found in the information in KLIPS and ILIAS. Under "Information" or "other remarks" of the individual courses you will find the corresponding notes. Contact persons are the lecturers listed in KLIPS.

Face-to-face teaching in the summer semester

The WiSo faculty is currently running on-campus teaching, in consultation with the university rectorate and the other faculties. The aim is to enable as much face-to-face teaching in classrooms and lecture halls as legally permissible. When designing their courses, teachers will be able to use the advantages of all formats - attendance, digital, and hybrid. The experiences of the past semesters will be used to generate innovation and further develop learning and teaching.

In view of the very high infection rates, the university headship strongly recommends wearing a medical or FFP2 mask indoors on campus.

Please continue to regularly check your smail account and the entries in KLIPS.
Please also inform yourself regularly on the pages of the Rectorate about the currently valid regulations:

Work and break rooms

Detailed Information can be found on the website of the WiSo Library and Campus Service.

The letterbox in front of the entrance to the WiSo Student Service Point - which is also the letterbox of the WiSo Examination Office - is still accessible (via the main building). The current hygiene and infection protection regulations summarised on the information page of the Rectorate of the University of Cologne apply here.

Lending of books and other media

Books can be borrowed and returned subject to the rules for visitors. Detailed Information can be found on the website of the WiSo Library Service.

International students / study abroad

Incoming guest students, outgoing students and CEMS students can find detailed information on the International Relations Center website.

Coronavirus-related inquiries

The Wiso Student Service Point provides information about contact options on its website. It canalways be reached by telephone, e-mail and via the website. Inquiries on corona topics are collected there centrally and, if necessary, forwarded within the WiSo Faculty.

It is still difficult at present to make accurate forecasts of developments. In the event of further measures, we will inform those affected as soon as possible.

Like the university management of the University of Cologne, the WiSo Faculty also asks for prudence in dealing with the current situation and for a prudent and non-discriminatory approach to the issue.

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