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Young professionals feel confident about AI

CEMS study: majority also see social media in a positive light.

Student working with AI.

57% of young professionals feel comfortable or very confident about the increasing integration of artificial intelligence (AI) in various aspects of daily life, while only 15% reported feeling unsettled or scared about the prospect, according to new research from CEMS, the Global Alliance in Management Education of which the University of Cologne is the only German member. Half (50%) also stated that social media impacts their life positively, while only just over a quarter (27%) feel that social media has a negative impact on their lives.
Overall, 70% of graduates said that they feel optimistic about the future.

A balanced narrative around AI
The global survey was conducted among recent graduates from the CEMS Master in International Management (MIM), who are now in their first year of work, or who have gone onto further study.

Nicole de Fontaines, Executive Director of CEMS, said: “These results reveal that the majority of young people are not just accepting but embracing the increasing integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into various facets of their daily lives. The results reveal a profound level of comfort and confidence, signaling a generational shift in attitudes toward AI. 
“One key factor driving this positive sentiment may be the seamless incorporation of AI into routine tasks, making life more efficient and convenient. Moreover, there is potential for AI to address pressing global challenges. Young people are aware of AI's role in fields such as healthcare, climate research, and social justice initiatives."

“Through CEMS we aim to foster a balanced narrative around AI. On one hand we try to ensure that the benefits for innovation are fully realized, while also educating students around the need to continuously develop human skills including communication and empathy. We require a future generation of leaders who are able to harness all the advantages of AI, whilst thinking independently, in order to contribute to a more open, sustainable, and inclusive world.”

"University of Cologne CEMS MIM student Korbinian Thiele said: “AI's potential in critical areas like drug discovery and medical advancements underscores its role in advancing societal well-being. While media stories often highlight AI's drawbacks, firsthand encounters with its positive impact shape the optimism of many professionals."

"I firmly believe that technological advancement serves as the cornerstone of societal progress. Through the utilization of technology, resources and opportunities that were once exclusive to certain segments of the population have become accessible to all. Platforms have democratized entertainment, communication, and access to information. Previously, engaging with musicians, attending cinemas, correspondence via letters, or accessing library resources required significant effort and expenditure. However, with technological innovations, individuals now enjoy comparable experiences at a fraction of the cost and with heightened efficiency. I expect to see a similar effect through the advancement of AI."

“Advancements in technology and collective efforts toward addressing pressing issues like climate change serve as beacons of hope, underscoring the capacity for progress and transformation amidst adversity.”

Fellow University of Cologne CEMS student Joelle Soumi said: I think young professionals can see the value of using AI as it’s a solution to how fast everything is nowadays. We’re expected to finish a big project, to a tight deadline, that is well researched, backed up with references and sourced correctly.  AI is proving to be a better search engine than most. ChatGPT will answer a specific question whereas Google provides a bunch of results. You can train AI to think similarly to you. This provides young professionals with a great starting point to their work and helps them reach deadlines faster, further optimising their time and the company’s resources."

“Young professionals genuinely think the can, and are capable of, changing the world. We are optimistic and know that even though the world is struggling at the moment it will get better. New technology will be able to help when it’s fully mastered."

Salary is top criteria for jobseekers
81% of graduates named salary in their top three criteria that would most influence their decision to take on a new role, followed by work life balance (61%) and opportunities for quick career progression (51%). The gap between salary and work life balance as a top criterion has widened in the past few years, possibly in response to the current global cost-of-living crisis, meaning salary is an increasingly important factor for jobseekers. 58% said that three to five years is an ideal amount of time to spend in a role before looking for a new one – either in the same or a new company.

About CEMS – The Global Alliance in Management Education:
CEMS is a global alliance with a presence on 6 continents, uniting 33 world leading business schools, more than 70 multinational companies, and 8 NGOs who together deliver the CEMS Master in International Management.

The CEMS MIM is a pre-experience joint masters programme.  On graduation students will have studied at two Alliance schools, taken part in a business project with a corporate partner and speak three languages. Students develop a global mind set, cross-cultural competence and leadership skills through a combination of coursework, international exchange, and internship opportunities and graduate with a Masters degree from their home school as well as the CEMS MIM.

The CEMS community is committed to the idea that the leaders who will be best prepared for the future will be free and unafraid in an uncertain world, will be humane citizens who can engage fully and think independently, and will contribute to a more open, sustainable, and inclusive world.

For 35 years CEMS has led the way in the development of global management education. Through its unique blend of academic rigor, strategic corporate collaborations, and a commitment to ethical and socially responsible leadership, CEMS prepares the next generation of leaders who resolve to understand deeply the complexities of our time and who are eager to confront global business challenges and opportunities with humility and integrity.

Each year more than 1,300 graduates join our 21,000 strong global alumni network.

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