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Should German dual vocational education be transferred to other countries?

Top-cited paper from a group of researchers at the UoC

One student standing in the front with books and two other students talking in the background

Congratulations to Prof. Dr Martina Fuchs, Prof. Dr Matthias Pilz, Beke Vogelsang and Natascha Röhrer for writing a paper that became one of the top 10 most-cited papers published in the International Journal of Training and Development. The citation data is collected from all the articles published in the journal between January 1st 2022 and December 31st 2023.

The paper “Actors and factors in the international transfer of dual training approaches: The coordination of vocational education and training in Mexico from a German perspective” focuses on the reform of the Mexican vocational education system. Challenges and opportunities for German-speaking countries’ actors in Mexican education reform are discussed. The study includes 22 expert interviews. The findings reveal a mix of factors influencing the education transfer process in Mexico, with both positive and negative effects. Examples could be compatibility with local specifics, cooperation and complex coordination.

The study highlights the importance of setting common goals and adapting to local conditions for the successful implementation of vocational education reforms. Decision-making processes require the involvement of local actors and consideration of bottom-up approaches. Additionally, securing essential resources such as high-skilled personnel and appropriate facilities, is crucial for effective implementation. Motivating companies to engage in dual practices and promoting collaboration through networks need to be the key strategies for implementing a dual training system.

Despite facing challenges, stakeholders are optimistic about the potential for offering dual vocational training in Mexico. The findings offer valuable insights for the transfer and implementation of dual training models worldwide, emphasizing the importance of considering perspectives from both the countries offering assistance and those receiving it.

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