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Honorary Professorship for Dr. Christian Glasmacher

Appointment by the Institute of Trade Fair Management of the University of Cologne

Verleihung der Urkunde an Herrn Glasmacher

Photo: Koelnmesse GmbH

We congratulate Dr. Christian Glasmacher: On 16 January 2019 he was awarded the title of Honorary Professor. For 12 years he has been a lecturer at the Institute for Trade Fair Economics at the University of Cologne, which Koelnmesse co-founded in 1999. As a member of Koelnmesse's Executive Board and Head of Corporate Development, he acts as an interface between the institute and the company.

On the occasion of Koelnmesse's 75th anniversary in the summer of 1999, the Institute for Trade Fair Management was founded jointly with the University of Cologne and affiliated to the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences. This was the first German institute for trade fair management at university level. "I am proud of our years of successful cooperation with the university. Koelnmesse's involvement enables students to gain a direct insight into the trade fair business through lectures by renowned speakers and visits to trade fair events," explains Gerald Böse, CEO of Koelnmesse.

On the initiative of the university, Dr. Christian Glasmacher has now been nominated for an honorary professorship after 12 years of teaching. He was officially awarded the title at a ceremony held at the university by the Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Prof. Dr. Werner Mellis. "I am very pleased about this award and thank you very much for the trust you have placed in me," said the newly appointed Prof. Christian Glasmacher.

Bachelor students at the Institute of Trade Fair Management can take the focus specialization module Trade Fair Management as one of two profile groups in the Bachelor's programme, in which Prof. Glasmacher holds the two courses "Strategic Trade Fair Management" and "Operative Trade Fair Management". "It is enriching to prepare young people for their professional careers and to take the opportunity to introduce young talents to the trade fair business. In this way, we provide targeted support for education and science in Cologne and at the same time promote the next generation of managers in our industry," adds Prof. Glasmacher.

Unique training opportunities at the trade fair institute

Since 1999, the institute has been supervising the bachelor's degree specialization module "Trade Fair Management", conducting basic and applied research on trade fair-related topics and promoting the implementation of scientific results in practice.

The university education of executives for the trade fair industry as it is lived at the University of Cologne is unique. The institute sees itself as an interface between theory and practice: every year, numerous Koelnmesse employees are involved as guest lecturers and thus ensure optimal practical relevance in addition to theory. Since the institute was founded, more and more students have attended the institute's lectures and have given it above-average valuation in surveys. And a number of graduates have long been active in key positions in the trade fair industry throughout Germany and beyond.

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