Modul-InformationenModule Information |
Modulname Module Title | Advanced Accounting / Value-based Controlling |
Modulnummer Module Number | 1016MSAAC1 |
Prüfer/in Examiner | Prof. Carsten Homburg |
Prüfungsdatum Examination Date | 02.08.2023 und 20.09.2023 |
AnmeldungRegistration |
Anmeldezeitraum Registration Period | 19.12.2023 (00:01) bis 29.12.2023 (23:59) |
Anmeldemodus Mode of Registration | email at including: full name, matriculation number, specific exam (e.g., VbC PT 1 or VbC PT 2) |
EinsichtnahmeExam Inspection |
Datum Date | 05.02.2023 (10:00 (PT 1); 11:00 (PT 2)) |
Ort Location | Will be announced via Mail one week before the inspection |
Weitere Informationen Further Information | |