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Student Infomail: September 13th, 2023

Dear Students,

Are you active on social media and finally want to follow us on TikTok? Then find out how in today's info mail! Of course, we also have some exciting events in store for you as well.

Read it yourself!

Your WiSo Student Service Point

The WiSo Faculty on Tiktok!

Are you active on social media and have been waiting a long time for the WiSo to finally have an account on TikTok? Then your wait is finally over! Follow us now at the link below: https://www.tiktok.com/@wiso.uni.cologne 

Capacity available for the "Business Project in Marketing"

Dear Marketing Master-Students, 

We are pleased to inform you that we have free capacity available for the "Business Project in Marketing" in cooperation with Bayer and Boehringer Ingelheim in the winter semester 2023/2024. 

Benefits for you:
As a participant, you will work on real business problems that are highly relevant for marketing practice! You will make a steep learning curve and gain valuable experience from this practice-oriented work. Get the foot in the door for future internships or employment. Besides, skills and competencies you obtain from this course prepare you for the needs in any other modern company. Upon completion of the project, participants receive a certificate (similar to a job reference for internships) signed by the corporate partner and the university. Moreover, you are able to work flexibly and independently! 
You can register by September 20, 2023. 

Have a look on KLIPS for more information (course number: 14266.0208; for incomings: 14266.5004).

Register now for the WiSoAlumni annual meeting!

This years WiSoAlumni Annual Meeting will take place on October 20, starting at 6:00 p.m. in Lecture Hall XXIV at WiSo. All students of the Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences are also cordially invited.

Fifth WiSoAlumni Annual Meeting on the topic.
"Does economic efficiency still leave room for morality and social responsibility?"
October 20, 2023, 6:00 p.m.
HS XXIV in the WiSo flat wing.

You can register for the annual meeting here: https://wiso.uni-koeln.de/de/praxis/wisoalumni/termine-und-events/wisoalumni-jahrestreffen-2023 
The Alumni Annual Meeting offers you the opportunity to exchange ideas with our alumni, to make valuable contacts and to connect with our large alumni network at an early stage.

In times of global competition, companies strive to cut costs and increase profits. Moral action and social responsibility often seem secondary to this pursuit. But are cost efficiency and profit maximization the only criteria for economic success? Is the main goal of a company to be more successful from year to year? Or do moral and social values play an increasingly important role? We want to discuss these and other questions at the fifth annual alumni meeting on the topic of Does economic efficiency still leave room for morals and social responsibility?

WiSo alumnus Prof. Dr. Julian Conrads (THM Business School) will introduce the topic at the beginning of the annual meeting, before the contents of the lecture will be deepened in a panel discussion. For the panel discussion we could win WiSo alumna Dr. Juliane Kronen (innatura gGmbH), who will discuss together with Julian Conrads. Afterwards, there will be a festive get together in the WiSo coffee bar.

Future Energy Business

New practice-oriented series of events for advanced students. 

The idea: The energy sector is in the midst of a profound transformation. In the field of tension between new technologies and business fields, unexpected risks and the constant guarantee of supply security, the sector offers exciting and diverse fields of work. The new Future Energy Business event series aims to connect advanced students from all disciplines with current and relevant knowledge about the concrete transformation of the energy system. This will enable students to learn first-hand about the particular challenges and opportunities in the Future Energy Business and to make their first contacts in this exciting industry.

The programme: Experts from academia, government and industry give interactive lectures and supervise practical projects on various topics related to the energy industry, sustainability and digitalisation. The events are usually held in presence, partly in the Alte Wagenfabrik in Cologne-Ehrenfeld, partly on site at the participating partner companies. The events are thematically complementary. A certificate of attendance can be issued. If a minimum number of events (30 hours (10x 3h) and a practical project) are attended, a Certificate of Future Energy Business will also be awarded.

More information can be found here: https://www.ewi-future-energy.de/2023/04/13/das-zertifikat-future-energy-business/ 

New EUniWell workshop offers

EUniWhat comes next in EUniWell?

In a next workshop, the Cologne project team of the European University for Well-Being (EUniWell) would like to invite you to work together on how "Well-Being" is seen in different subject and research contexts and how your subject area is related to "Well-Being". In this workshop we will look into the future: “What comes next in EUniWell?” and we will also look back on the highlights of our first funding phase. With this offer we primarily address scientific staff and researchers of the University of Cologne. Interested students and staff of the University of Cologne are welcome to contact us and will be considered if there are still enough places available.

Look forward to a moderated and interactive exchange on the topic of Well-Being with input by colleagues and reflection phases.

Contact for questions: Dr. Dorothee Groeger, dorothee.groegerSpamProtectionuni-koeln.de

New Courses by EUniWell’s Research Communications Programme

The Research Communications Programme is offering two new digital workshops in fall designed for PhD candidates:

  • The first workshop focuses on „How to explain your PhD in an easily understandable way“ and will be offered on 21 and (as an alternative) on 25 September. The application deadline is 12 September. Further information is provided here.
  • The second workshop centres around „Data Visualisation and Visual Storytelling“ and takes place on 3 and 10 October. The application deadline is 22 September. Further information is provided here.


WiSo Student Service Point
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WiSo Student Service Point